The first permanent English colony in the New World
He wrote the "Declaration of Independence" in 1776
Thomas Jefferson
This is the collective name for the first ten amendments to the US Constitution
The Bill of Rights
These were the first two political parties in the new United States
Federalist and Democratic-Republicans
English philosopher whose social contract theory was the basis of Jefferson's "Declaration of Independence"
John Locke
Members of this religious denomination fled England to find religious freedom in the New England colonies
This conflict resulted in dire debt for the British Empire by 1763
The French Indian War
The solution to the problem of how to count the slave population for purposes of representation and taxation
The 3/5th's Compromise
As the first Secretary of the Treasury, he favored urban industry, a strong central government, and a national bank for the new United States
Alexander Hamilton
The imaginary boundary separating colonial land from native land after the French Indian War
The Proclamation Line of 1763
Colonies exist in order to enrich the mother country according to this economic system which dominated the 17th and 18th centuries
Patriot organization opposed to Parliamentary interference (and taxes!) in colonial affairs
Sons of Liberty
The solution to the problem of how to balance Congressional representation between big and small states
The Great Compromise
This election resulted in the first peaceful transfer of power in the young nation's history
The election of 1800
A form of government in which the citizens elect representatives to make and enforce laws
This was the first successful product of the early English colonies in the Americas
The colonial success in this battle resulted in France throwing its support behind the American Revolution
Model of government in which power is shared between state and national levels
Marbury v. Madison
Name for the route running alcohol and weapons to Africa from Europe, slaves from Africa to the New World, and raw materials and cash crops from the New World to Europe
The Triangular Trade
The flat geography and fertile soil of the southern colonies made them best suited for this form of agriculture
This treaty is the official birthday of the United States of America
Treaty of Paris, 1783
The president's power to veto congressional bills is an example of
Checks and balances
Jefferson and Madison issued this in reaction to the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798
The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
American colonists formed this after Parliament passed the Intolerable/Coercive Act of 1774
The First Continental Congress