1920's Culture
Harlem Renaissance
This word describes the political policies of President's Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, and Herbert Hoover.
What is Conservatism (pro-business)?
Prosperity with underlying concerns would be the correct way to describe this during the 1920's.
What is the economy?
This group changed its previous ways of only discriminating against blacks in the south. They branched off to the north and targeted all non-white and non-protestant groups.
What is the Ku Klux Klan?
Marcus Garvey promoted this movement for blacks so that they could isolate themselves from whites and create their own great society.
What is the "Back to Africa" Movement?
John Scopes was arrested for teaching evolution in his Tennessee classroom. He went to court to defend the rights of non-fundamentalists. The Scopes Monkey Trial became important in the 1920's as an example of this clash in society.
What is the clash between modern and traditional culture?
Communism and other radical ideas that threatened norms in America led to a series of Government attacks known as this.
What is the Palmer Raids?
Because of better transportation people were able to live farther from big economic centers such as New York and Los Angeles. The towns that sprang up around these economic cities were known as this term.
What is a suburb?
Some women during the 1920's rebelled against society by cutting their hair shorter, wearing shorter dresses, smoking, drinking, and staying out late at night clubs. These were were known by this more common term.
What is a flapper?
Langston Hughes and Zora Neale Hurston were linked to what movement in the 1920's?
What is the Harlem Renaissance?
The contribution of women during World War I helped to pass this law in 1920.
What is the 19th Amendment (women's suffrage)?
The National Origins Act of 1924 targeted these groups of immigrants.
What are Southern and Eastern Europeans (Asian immigrants as well?
During the 1920's, President's Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover practiced conservative politics. The economic policies of these President's included raising tariff's which extremely hurt this group of people during the 1920's.
What are farmers?
The popularity of radio, movies, sports, automobiles, and other products led to this in the United States in the 1920's.
What is a common American culture?
This group was important during the 1920's in increasing economic and political opportunities for African-Americans.
What is the NAACP?
This organization began in the 1920's to protect individual rights of citizens from government abuse.
What is the American Civil Liberties Union?
An increase of organized crime during the 1920's and the birth of American Mafia organizations in the United States were results of these laws in the United States.
What is the 18th Amendment and the Volstead Act?
Henry Ford first used interchangeable parts to increase production and lower costs. He later became the first to use this system to further increase production, a system he learned from the Meat Packing industry.
What is the assembly line?
This sport had been seen as barbaric and corrupt, was not popular as a professional sport prior to the 1920's. In the 1920's, college stars finally started to seek professional careers that helped lead to popularity for the professional version of the sport.
What is Football?
This was the primary objective of the Harlem Renaissance.
What is increase racial pride in African-American culture?
The Revival of the KKK and the passage of immigration quotas in the 1920's were examples of the rise of this.
What is Nativism?
Presidents Warren G. Harding, Calving Coolidge, and Herbert Hoover all believed in this type of relationship between business and government.
What is the belief in promoting big business while limiting government interference?
New products and the growth of mass production techniques led to the rise of this industry in 1920's.
What is Advertising?
Consumer products such as the automobile, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, and refrigerator became accessible to many people in the United States during the 1920's. People were able to purchase these products using this.
What is credit?
The NAACP promoted cooperation between whites and blacks to gain equality for African-Americans. Marcus Garvey founded this group that believed that blacks should do the opposite and look out for their own advancement in society.
What is Universal Negro Improvement Association?
This organization was meant to protect Jews from bigotry and discrimination.
What is the anti-defamation league?