This facility was built in rural western South Carolina and provided the radioactive material for nuclear weapons during the Cold War.
What is the Savannah River Site.
Modjeska Simkins and Septima Clark were both members of this organization, which sought to fight for civil rights for African Americans.
What is the NAACP
This supreme court case created the idea of "Separate but Equal."
What is Plessy v. Ferguson.
Strom Thurmond led the shift in politics in South Carolina from being dominated by the Democratic Party to being dominated by this political party.
What is the Republican Party.
This woman was elected as South Carolina's first female governor.
What is Nikki Haley
Post-WWII economic prosperity led to this type of culture reemerging in America during the 1950s and 1960s.
What is consumer culture.
This well known South Carolinian worked as a Civil Rights lawyer and was eventually was elected as one of the first African American judges from South Carolina.
What is Matthew Perry.
Elmore v. Rice was a civil rights court case that focused on what?
What is the all white primary, voting rights.
Thurmond was involved in creating this "Manifesto" which protested against the Brown v. Board of Education ruling.
What is the Southern Manifesto
Foreign investment in South Carolina led to the construction of this companies large automobile facility in Greenville, SC.
What is BMW
Name at least two impacts that the interstate system had on South Carolina and the United States.
Increased tourism, transported nukes, allowed for commuting to work, escape routes during emergencies.
Students from this South Carolina college engaged in a well-known sit-in protest during the Civil Rights movement.
What is Friendship College.
The violence that came to be known as the Orangeburg massacre began here.
What is the local bowling alley.
Changes in agriculture in South Carolina has led to these crops dominating farms across the state.
What is soy beans and tobacco.
This act/bill allowed WWII veterans to go to college and finance their first homes.
What is the GI Bill.
This militant civil rights leader was accused of inciting students in Orangeburg in what was known as the Orangeburg Massacre.
What is Cleveland Sellers.
The Friendship 9 believed in this, or the desire to use their arrest and jailing as an additional form of protest.
What is jail no bail.
The movement of white Americans from urban city centers to suburbs outside the city was known as what?
What is white flight.
Many African Americans who fought in WWII were empowered to come home to fight against racism and discrimination. This desire to defeat evil abroad and racism at home was known as what?
What is "Double V" or "Double Victory"
Briggs v. Elliott became part of this well-known civil rights supreme court case.