
How much does the Act or SAT cost?

SAT-$52.50 per attempt

ACT-$42-$62 per attempt


What is the purpose of AP and IB exams?

To determine college credit and course placement


When was the first standardized test?



How does standardized testing change curriculum?

Standardized testing narrows the curriculum taught in schools and forces schools to devote time to test preparation. "Emphasizes preparing students for standardized assessments in math and literacy at the same time they shortchange the social studies, history and basic citizenship education.” -Westheimer.


How many widely recognized advantages are known from taking standardized tests?

4 major advantages


How much does states participating in standardized tests each year?

$1.7 billion each


What is the purpose of state tests?

To give a standard benchmark with which to compare students and inequalities


How much does the CEO of College Board make?

CEO David Coleman earns $1.3 million while the executives earn on average $300,000 each


How does standardized testing measure critical thinking ability?

Standardized testing does not measure critical thinking. Instead, these tests measure pre-known knowledge and facts that students are expected to have learned. The multiple-choice format implies that answers are only right or wrong, which does not allow for "situational circumstances" in the critical thinking process. Unfortunately, some students can be both poor test-takers and highly intelligent. Likewise, there are students who are great test takers that cannot apply their knowledge in the real world.


What is a benefit of doing well on the SAT/ACT?

You are more likely to get into a good college and receive scholarship money if you do well on either the SAT or the ACT. In the classroom, every teacher grades differently and has unique evaluation standards. For this very reason, admission committees cannot solely evaluate overall GPAs. Thus, standardized testing levels the playing field and provides colleges with objective data to compare prospective students to


What is the difference SAT average score between the highest family income and the lowest family income?

In a study done in 2013, SAT averages of college-bound seniors by family income were estimated to be: $0-$20,000= 1326 $80,000-$100,000= 1535 More than $200,000= 1714 The National Board on Educational testing and Public Policy at Boston College determined that the standardized testing market is between $400 million and $700 million.


What is the “No Child Left Behind” law?

Act that linked federal money with performance on test scores, used to make education more successful and reduce the inequality in education


How can standardized tests be compared on a global scale?

The Programme for International Student Assessment is an international assessment that measures 15-year-old students' reading, mathematics, and science literacy every three years. The PISA includes a measure of both general and cross-curricular competencies, such as collaborative problem solving. The 2015 PISA exam assessed students' science, reading, and mathematics literacy in more than 70 countries and education systems.


How does the emphasis on standardized test scores impact “teacher pressure”?

Teachers are aware that salaries are dependent on student test scores. In 2011, 178 Atlanta teachers were convicted of tampering with thousands of students test scores. These “ethical failings” do not allow for "freedom teaching."


What is a benefit of statewide testing?

Standardized testing allows all students from different schools, districts, and states to be fairly compared because of the invaluable data the tests produce. The data is used by the Common Core State Standards and is used as an accurate comparison across states.


How many corporations run state standardized testing?



What is the purpose of the SAT/ACT?

To project first year grades


How much do standardized test scorers make?

$11-$13 per hour


How many standardized exams does the average public school student take between pre-k and 12th grade?



What percentage of students think that standardized testing is beneficial?

The 2006 Public Agenda survey of 1,342 public school students in grades 6-12 found that 71% of students believe the number of tests taken is "about right" and 79% believe test questions are "fair."


How much do families spend on test prep?

Approximately $13.1 billion


What does ESSA stand for?

Every Student Succeeds Act


What country has the highest test scores for science globally?



How many hours does the average public school student study for standardized test between pre-k and 12th grade?

20-25 hours


On average, how do standardized testing scores affect student achievement?

2011 research by testing scholar Richard P. Phelps estimated that 93% of studies on standardized testing, including the use of large-scale and high-stakes standardized tests, found a "positive effect" on student achievement.
