American Revolution
French Revolution
More French Revolution and Napoleonic Era
Effects of France on Europe
This event came first of the following 4 events: 1) Fighting of the American Revolution began, 2) Storming of the Bastille in French Revolution, 3) The Declaration of Independence is signed, 4) The French Declaration of the Rights of the Man and of the Citizen is signed.
What is Fighting of the American Revolution?
Over 90% of the population in France belonged to this social order in pre-revolutionary France.
What is the Third Estate?
Ten years of unstable government in France was the main reason that allowed this man to become leader of France.
Who is Napoleon Bonaparte?
The theory that power comes from the people and that the people should form their own governments is known as.
What is popular sovereignty?
Look at the political cartoon and write down what the meaning of the cartoon is.
What is the Third Estate of the French old regime is carrying the tax burden of the first and second estate?
Other than taxation without representation in British parliament, the American Revolution was based on the fact that the King and British Parliament did not protect this for the English Colonists.
What is individual rights?
This was the name of the Social and political system that had been in place in France since the middle ages and was terminated by the Revolution.
What is the old regime?
Napoleon Bonaparte led this had this form of government structure during his reign.
What is a dictatorship?
The revolutions of this year had a lasting impact on Europe because nationalist ideals would persist in the continent throughout the century.
What is 1848?
South Korea's government being divided into 3 branches of government reflects this enlightenment principle.
What is separation of powers?
The United States Constitution reflects this type of government structure that provides a separation of powers by splitting government responsibility between the national government and state governments.
What is federalism?
King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette helped cause the French Revolution for this reason.
What is excessive spending?
Popular protest was evident in the French Revolution beginning with this iconic event which kicked off the "Great Fear" at the beginning of the French Revolution.
What is the storming of the Bastille?
This alliance was made by all the great European powers to suppress democratic revolutions across Europe.
What is the Concert of Europe?
All revolutions in the 1700's and 1800's had something in common; the fact that the government's power in a country comes from _______.
What is the people?
Both the American Revolution and French Revolution began a revolution to have this form of government.
What is representative government or republic?
The Third Estate was held out of the Estates General meeting and made a pledge to write a new constitution in an event called this.
What is the tennis court oath?
This group was responsible for the main portion of France's tax burden in pre-revolutionary France.
What is the Third Estate?
This person was the most influential leader at the Congress of Vienna.
Who is Klemens von Metternich?
“Our shared history and culture unite me with my people.” - The quote would most likely be made by a person who believed in this ideology.
What is nationalist?
This document stabilized the American government while France did not have a version of this document that brought stability to their revolution.
What is the U.S. Constitution?
This body of the National Convention was led by Maximilien Robespierre and ruled over the "Reign of Terror" in France.
What is the Committee for Public Safety?
Part of the reason for the failure of the French Revolution because the estate system used in Europe had rich merchants known as __________ and these type of people.
What is the bourgeoisie and the poor?
Germany and Italy became unified nations with the backing of this ideological movement.
What is nationalism?
These were the 3 goals of the Congress of Vienna.
What is containment of France, balance of power in Europe, and return of legitimate monarchs?