Big Business
Industrial Growth
Progressive Era
20th Century Fox
World War I
The federal government granted vast areas of western land to railroad owners so they would lay train track connecting the eastern and western states. This railroad was called.
What is the transcontinental railroad?
Sioux leader, who fought U.S. Army troops during American Expansion, and led his people to a brief exile in Canada, and finally agreed to settle on a reservation.
What is Sitting Bull?
This book exposed the poor labor practices and unsanitary conditions that produced contaminated food in the meatpacking industry.
What is the Jungle?
This Act banned all future Chinese immigration after it was passed in 1882.
What is Chinese Exclusion Act?
Under this political ideology, a single party government was ruled by a dictator, no private ownership was allowed and all property was owned by the state.
What is communism?
The Standard Oil Company was the most famous big business of the Era. The founder of the Standard Oil Company was.
What is John D. Rockefeller?
Often referred to as the "Black Mamba", this athlete has 5 NBA Championship rings and was drafted straight from high school into the NBA.
What is Kobe Bryant?
Journalist who investigated and exposed political corruption, child labor, slum conditions and other social issues were called.
What is muckrakers?
Seeking a faster route from the Atlantic to the Pacific than the voyage around the tip of South America, the U.S. government built a shipping canal across the narrow Central American country of ___.
What is panama?
During the 1920s, popular entertainment such as ___ and ___ attracted millions of loyal fans and helped create the first media stars.
What is radio and movies?
He invented the phonograph, motion pictures and the light bulb, all of which eliminated much manual labor that had been associated with everyday household activities.
What is Thomas Edison?
Immigrant station located in New York harbor where poor people were forced to pass health and welfare test upon arrival from their native countries.
What is Ellis Island?
Social Service agency that provided trained workers to help recent immigrants and working class citizens learn about home economics, basic medical care, the English Language, and other important topics to low-income urban residents.
What is Hull House?
This policy announced to the world that the U.S. had the right to intervene in Latin American countries in economic crisis, whether or not a European power planned to intervene.
What is Roosevelt Corollary?
During the 1920s a wave of creativity washed over harlem that celebrated Af. American culture through words and songs. This is known as the ___.
What is Harlem Renaissance?
A single company that controlled virtually all the U.S. oil production and distribution.
What is monopoly?
Organization led by Samuel Gompers, who's aim was to use strikes to convince employers to give workers shorter workdays, better working conditions, and higher wages.
What is American Federation of Labor?
Supporters of any new law could collect voters' signatures on an ___ to force a public vote on the issue.
What is initiative?
This movement of African Americans from the South to the North who got tired of living under the repression that was common in the South was called ___.
What is the Great Migration?
A process popularized by Henry Ford, was designed to produce the Model T in great volume on assembly lines so the cost of each car would be low enough for common people to afford.
What is Henry Ford?
This businessman established Carnegie-Mellon University, and developed cheap, efficient methods for the mass production of steel rails used to produce railroads.
What is Andrew Carnegie?
U.S. soldiers opened machine gun fire, killing more than 300 Sioux and confiscated weapons at this place in South Dakota.
What is Wounded Knee?
Organization that sought full social and economic equality for African Americans in opposition to Jim Crow Laws.
What is NAACP?
Convicted of hindering military recruiting by making a speech against it, this Socialist Party leader was sentenced to 10 years in prison.
What is Eugene V. Debs?
Sometimes called "Satchmo", this performer became known while playing with the Creole Jazz Band and later became one of the biggest stars of jazz music because of his sense of rhythm and his improvisational skills.
What is Louis Armstrong?