Dress Code
Quality Control

What timeline is the NHCC attendance policy based on?

6 month rolling year basis


Why is it important for NHCC to have a dress code?

It helps give staff a place of belonging at NHCC.  “If employees assume they are working towards the same company goals, wearing a unified look, they will be more aligned with company values”.


What is NHCC's Vision?

To be a premier behavioral health provider.


You see a staff member not meeting NHCC standards, What do you do?

Say something, by not redirecting you are part of the problem.


Give three examples of how gossip and rumor mill can hurt a program.

damage relationships

reduce productivity

increase stress

poor morale

employee turnover


True or False: It is okay to allow staff to text you when they will be absent for the day.



What is mandatory for all direct services team members and must be worn throughout their shift?

Badge or Apron (LL)


Fill in the blank

You have to _____ what you _______.

You have to inspect what you expect.

Is it appropriate for staff to wear crocks on shift?


No open-toed shoes or sandals. Shoes must provide safe, secure footing and offer protection against hazards. (The whole foot must be covered)


Give three answers on why ethics are important in the work place?

Positive culture

Higher staff morale


Legal Compliance

Strong reputation in the community


Why is being on time important for a leader?

  • Demonstrates respect for others’ time

  • You are reliable to the team, helps gain trust

  • Sets a positive example for the team and upholds a standard


What is the policy on workout attire for a front line team member?

It can be worn only during recreation time.


What is NHCC's expectations for one-on-ones?

* Meet weekly

* Must be scheduled on calendars

* Time is spent communicating both ways.  You want your staff to share details with you.


True or False

It is important not to create autonomy with clients, which includes controlling client decisions.


It is important to recognize and promote clients' autonomy in making decisions about their treatment and lives while providing support and guidance.


According to NHCC Code of Ethics, what are examples that will not be tolerated for Client-Centered Care?

  • Any form of abuse towards clients. This includes Verbal, Physical, Sexual, and Emotional Abuse, as well as acts of neglect.
  • The demonstration of, or involvement of clients or other minors in, illegal, immoral, or questionable behavior. As a role model, employee’s behavior should be above reproach.
  • Obscene or vulgar language. This includes any swearing whether directed at self, staff, or clients.
  • The violation of safety or health guidelines.
  • Leaving the premises with clients without proper approval, or in poor judgment.
What disciplinary action goes with eight unexcused absences? 

Unpaid 3-day suspension 


What is NHCC policy on face piercings? 

Employees may wear one small nose stud no bigger than 1.5mm; metal studs and hoops are not allowed for safety. No other visible pierced jewelry or body adornment is permitted.

Plugs that are plain and solid in color may be worn and do not exceed 4mm. Tunnels or tapers are not allowed for safety.

Give at least 3 CFT team members you can reach out to ensure your staff are providing premiere services.

Guardian, Case Manager, Therapist, Teacher/School, Other Providers


What is the process to terminate an employee?

When all training and disciplinary actions have been exhausted. Or a violation of NHCC Code of Ethics/non-negotiables.


What is NHCC Non-Negotiables?

  • Integrity
  • Teamwork
  • Professionalism
  • Therapeutic
  • Documentation

What is NHCC definition of Excused Absences?

Reduced workdays or site closing.

Absences during an approved FMLA.

Preapproved jury duty leave.

Preapproved military duty leave.

Preapproved bereavement leave.

Preapproved time-off to vote.

Any other scheduled absence which is approved by NHCC or which under applicable law may not be counted as an occurrence or otherwise considered in making employment decisions.

Doctor’s note excusing for a specific time period (does not include Dr’s appointments in the middle of a scheduled shift).

Employees must request to use their personal time at the time they call in to notify their supervisor of their absence. The employee must have/use enough PTO available to cover the entire shift scheduled to not receive an unexcused absence, however in some instances, the PTO request may be denied.


According to NHCC Dress Code what jackets are allowed to be worn while on shift?

Cardigans, sweaters, athletic jackets (solid black, burgundy, gray, and white with a zipper) are allowed. Staff is not permitted to wear a head covering from the jacket in the building.


At the end of the day, who is responsible to ensure all standards are being upheld?

We are (Leadership)


What are ways that you can reward your team?


*Gift Cards

*Special snacks

*Thank you note


Give an example of a violation of ethical decision-making.

  • Any act which jeopardizes the health and safety of NHCC clients.
  • Insubordination or other disrespectful conduct as well as failure to follow supervisor instructions.
  • Sexual or other unlawful or unwelcomed harassment
  • Violation of Policy and Procedure manual.
  • Unsatisfactory performance or conduct.
  • Immoral behavior that contradicts the nature of our mission statement and purpose within the presence of clientele or on any NHCC premises, site, or location.
  • Participation in the act of developing or spreading of rumors/gossip or failure to try to stop rumors/gossip.