Making Inferences
Textual Evidence
Context Clues

The new girl at school didn't talk to anyone all day. When the teacher called on her she looked down at her desk. I don't think she made any friends on her first day. From this I can guess that the new girl is probably_____.

Shy, Scared, Embarrassed 


True or False? Theme is the same thing as Main Idea?



Patrick couldn't believe it. The most important day of his life so far; the day he had been waiting for had finally arrived! He was so excited to show the coaches how hard he had been working on his pitching. He just knew he would make the team this year. Looking at the clock, Patrick realized he was running late. "Bye, Mom," he yelled as he scrambled out of the house. Backing down the driveway, he saw his mom run out of the house, and it looked like she was trying to get his attention. He didn't have time to wait, so he drove off.

Although the school was only five minutes away, the drive felt like an eternity. Two red lights later, Patrick screeched into the parking lot, slammed the car into park, and ran around to the trunk to get his bat bag. It wasn't there. Every piece of equipment he needed to prove himself to the coaches this year was in that bag.

What does the story reveal about Patrick?

A. Patrick was not at all nervous about his tryouts.

B. Patrick was mad at his mom for making late to practice

C. Patrick was nervous about his tryouts.

D. Patrick knew he was going to make the team.

C. Patrick was nervous about his tryouts.


The girl walked down the street with her head hanging down she had just lost her first soccer game. What detail from the text can tell you how the girl was feeling?

Her head was hanging down. 


She became more and more introverted. She stopped talking to her friends, even on the phone. She spent hours alone in her room. She just sat and read quietly, or sometimes just stared at her reflection in the mirror. 

1. Which one of the following words means almost the same as introverted?

 A. outgoing 

B. angry at everyone 

C. focused on herself 

D. excited

 C. focused on herself


Shanay had never seen so many fish before. She looked around at the huge tanks and could see hundreds of fish, crabs, shrimp, and all other amazing creatures completely surrounding her. She never thought she could feel like she was completely underwater, yet still be completely dry. Where do you think she is?


Theme can be defined as: 

moral, message, or lesson that the author would like the reader to learn. 


Maya and her family were headed to the beach one sunny, summer afternoon. When they arrived, Maya noticed a family seemed to be having a sort of garage sale which was a curious sight to see in the beach parking lot. They were selling used personal items that you would normally find in one's house like pots, pans, dishes, a CD player, and various other items. There appeared to be a mother, father and two children, a boy and a girl about Maya's age. Maya could tell that the family was not there to enjoy the beach as they were not dressed for the beach. Their clothes were far too warm for the beautiful day and were tattered, torn and quite dingy. Suddenly, Maya remembered that she had a twenty dollar bill in her pocket that she had received for her birthday.

What do Maya's actions reveal about her character?

A. Maya is observant.

B. Maya is thrifty.

C. Maya is a spendthrift (or someone who doesn't watch how they spend their money).

D. Maya makes friends easily.

A. Maya is observant.


If I were answering the question: "Is Kayla a good student?", which of the following would be an important detail: 

A. Kayla is 13 years old.

B. Kayla goes to a Catholic school. 

C. Kayla enjoys reading, and often asks the teacher if she can do more for extra credit.

C. Kayla enjoys reading, and often asks the teacher if she can do more for extra credit.


The phone rang unexpectedly very early in the morning. It was a short call, but Uncle Art seemed perturbed after the call. He wouldn’t talk to anyone. He just kept lighting one cigarette after another and pacing back and forth with a frown on his face.

 1. Which of the following words means almost the same as perturbed? 

A. curious 

B. upset 

C. sad 

D. tired

B. upset


Alex was in a hurry to get home to watch football. He was driving over the speed limit when suddenly, he heard a siren and saw flashing lights, "No! Please not now," he thought. What do you think is happening? How do you know?

He is being pulled over by the police. He heard a siren and saw flashing lights.


Which story elements help theme to develop?

Characters, setting, and plot


The Ungrateful Son 

by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

Once a man was sitting with his wife before their front door. They had a roasted chicken which they were about to eat together. Then the man saw that his aged father was approaching, and he hastily took the chicken and hid it, for he did not want to share it with him. The old man came, had a drink, and went away. Now the son wanted to put the roasted chicken back onto the table, but when he reached for it, it had turned into a large toad, which jumped into his face and sat there and never went away again. If anyone tried to remove it, it looked venomously at him as though it would jump into his face, so that no one dared to touch it. And the ungrateful son was forced to feed the toad every day, or else it would eat from his face. And thus he went to and fro in the world without rest. How would the act of hiding the chicken ultimately impact the man?

A. It would not impact him much at all.

B. It would impact the narrator for the rest of his life because the toad served as reminder of his actions.

C. It would lead his father to have a miserable life.

D. It would allow him to distance himself more from his father.

B. It would impact the narrator for the rest of his life because the toad served as reminder of his actions.


State two sentence starters to help you cite evidence

“The author stated…” “According to text…” “The text says…” “Based on what I read…” “In paragraph ___, it states …” “For instance, …” “According to the passage…” “In the text…” “For example, …” “The author wrote…” “Based on the passage…”


She spoke in such a low whisper that her voice was barely audible, and I had to bend down to hear her.

 Which one of the following means almost the same as audible? 

A. soft 

B. heard 

C. spoken 

D. high

B. heard


Astronauts cautiously opened the newly installed solar wings on the space station after replacing a bolt that had been put in the wrong way. A highlight of the mission, the long, careful process of unfurling the panels began the morning after the repair was made. The solar panels, which look like the glistening wings of a dragonfly, provide electric power for the space station. 

What can you infer?

A. Even when they are in space suits, outer space is a dangerous place for astronauts. 

B. It takes a lot of extra manpower to accomplish even simple things in outer space. 

C. It is hard to make common repairs on the international the space station. 

D. Solar panels on the space station are delicate and can be easily damaged.

D. Solar panels on the space station are delicate and can be easily damaged.


When analyzing characters to determine theme, what three things do we look at: 

Dialogue, actions, and thoughts


How does dialogue provoke characters' decisions?

A. Characters respond to dialogue with their actions 

B. It reveals their traits

C. It shows the character's thoughts and motivations

A. Characters respond to dialogue with their actions


Kate stared at the giant parking lot. She couldn't remember where she parked her car. This happened every time she went to the mall. "Where could it be?" she said, "I thought it would be right here." She sat down on the ground and began to frown. What detail from the text tells you how she feels?

"She sat down on the ground and began to frown."


My mother always kept her equanimity, even when the rest of the family were arguing and fighting with one another; she was our peacekeeper. 1. Which of the following words means almost the same as equanimity?

 A. angry mood 

B. calmness 

C. indifference 

D. anxiety

B. calmness


What is the formula for making inference? 

Textual Evidence+ Background Knowledge=Inference

The setting is the time, place, and environment. What does it create?

The mood. 


Define Dialogue.

Define Incidents.

Conversation between two or more people

An event or occurrence.


Samariliz made 65 cookies.  She was very excited to bring them to school and share with her friends.  She hid them in her bookbag and When it was time for lunch, she opened her bag and was sad to see that the cookies had broken into little pieces.  How was Samariliz feeling when she left for school?



Which context clue strategy do we use to determine the meanings of unknown words?

