Foundations of Amer. Republicans
Expansion and Union
Capitalism and Reform
Modernism &Interventions
Legacy of the Cold War

The document outlined the principles of democratic government in the United States.

What is the US Constitution


The impact of the Louisiana Purchase on the territorial expansion of the United States

What is doubled the size of the country, expanded the nation westward


What is the definition of capitalism and how does it differ from other economic systems?

What is an economic system in which private actors own and control property in accord with their interests, and demand and supply freely set prices in markets in a way that can serve the best interests of society. 


Changes in art and literature characterized the Modernist movement in the early 20th century

What is writers turned to irony and self-awareness; visual artists focused on the process rather than the finished product; postmodern architects used decoration for the sake of decoration; choreographers replaced conventional dance steps with simple movements 


The main strategies used by the U.S. and Soviet Union during the Cold War?

What is political maneuvering, military coalitions, espionage, propaganda, arms buildups, economic aid, and proxy wars between other nations. 


The primary author of the Declaration of Independence?

Who is Thomas Jefferson


Who were the key figures involved in the Mexican-American War?

Who is General Zachary Taylor and General Winfield Scott 


Who were important figures in the labor movement during the Industrial Revolution?

Who is Samuel Gompers, First and longest-serving president of the American Federation of Labor (AFL). 


Describe the events leading up to the United States' involvement in World War I.

What is unrestricted submarine warfare (sinking of the Lusitania), Zimmerman telegram


The U.S. response to USSR missiles being placed in Cuba

What is a naval blockade


The significance of the Bill of Rights in American history

What is individual liberties


Discuss the concept of manifest destiny and its role in westward expansion.

What is the divinely ordained right of the United States to expand its borders to the Pacific Ocean and beyond. 


Explain the goals of the Progressive Movement in the early 20th century.

What is furthering social and political reform, curbing political corruption caused by political machines, and limiting the political influence of large corporations. 


How did the outcome of World War II impact the balance of power in the world?

the number of world powers was reduced to two and one half: the United States, the Soviet Union and Great Britain.


Discuss the impact of the Vietnam War on American society and foreign policy.

What is a growing cynicism about government and other institutions. 


Explain the concept of "checks and balances" in the U.S. government.

What is limited the powers of different branches of government


How did the issue of slavery impact the process of adding new states to the Union?

What is the balance of power in Congress would be tipped 


The role did women play in the labor and reform movements of the late 19th and early 20th centuries?

What is worked to gain the right to vote, they also worked for broad-based economic and political equality and for social reforms. 


The significance of the Korean War in the context of the Cold War

What is the United States and the Soviet Union, had fought a ' proxy war. ' in a third country.


The significance of the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989

What is Germany was reunified, triggering the swift collapse of the other East European regimes. 


The ideals of the Enlightenment influenced the founding principles of the United States?

What is the American Revolution


What event led to the Civil War and how did it impact the unity of the United States?

What is the disagreements over slavery, states vs. federal rights, the election of Abraham Lincoln, and the economy. 


The New Deal programs that addressed the economic challenges of the Great Depression

What is reform, relief, recovery


Explain the policy of containment and its role in U.S. foreign policy during the Cold War.

What is the purpose to halt the expansion of communism and prevent it from advancing around the world. 


How did the end of the Cold War impact global politics and the United States' role in the world?

What is it led to a world that is widely considered as uni polar, with the United States being the sole remaining hyperpower, but many other rising powers hold great influence in the world and are certainly superpowers. 
