Act It Out
True or False
Sketch IT
Imagine If

Act It Out for 100

Imagine that there is a kid in your class who has tripped you on purpose, said you were worthless, demanded your lunch money and threatened they would beat you up if you "tattled" on them.  You feel scared but know that you need help.  Act out telling an adult about what has happened and ask for help.


T/F for 100

No one has the right to harm or hurt you.  If you are bullied is it Never your fault.


Sketch It for 100

Draw where you feel safe at school, reminding yourself where you could go if you ever had to deal with bullying.


Imagine If for 100

Imagine if you were hanging out with a group of buddies at school and another student comes up to join the group.  One of your friends says a mean remark directed at this student, and the rest of your friends start laughing.  What would you do?


Risk for 100

1. What are the times bullying is most likely to take place at school?

2. Where are the places at school that bullying is most likely to take place?


Act It Out for 200

Imagine that for the last few weeks when you sit down for lunch in the cafeteria either people move away from you or someone says, "Yuck. You can't sit there.  You're going to make me puke my lunch."  What stand up to bullying tip could you use?  Act It Out.


T/F for 200

If someone bullies you, you should fight back.


Sketch It for 200

Draw how you might feel if you witnessed someone else being bullied.


Imagine If for 200

Imagine if you were bullying someone else and want to stop.  Who could you turn to for help? What would you say?


Risk for 200

Name the top 3 people you could ask for help if either you or someone you know is the target of bullying.


Act It Out for 300

Imagine that you have been bullying your classmate and want to stop because you know in your heart that it is wrong.  One way to stop bullying is to make amends.  Making amends includes apologizing to the person you have harmed and try to make up for the wrongdoing.  Some ideas include inviting the person you have harmed to join you in a friendly game at recess, or offer to help with school work.  What would you do to make amends?  Act It Out.


T/F for 300

Bullying harms the person being targeted.


Sketch It for 300

Draw how you might feel if you were the target of bullying.


Imagine If for 300

Imagine if you were the target of bullying, in addition to asking an adult for help and standing up for yourself, what are 3 things you could do to help yourself feel better? In other words, what are 3 coping skills you could use to help manage this difficult experience? 


Risk for 300

What can YOU do to help stop bullying?


Act It Out for 400

Someone is calling you names for the third day in a row and you decide to stand up for yourself. Standing tall with your head high, shoulders back and feet apart, make direct eye contact with this person and say in a calm, firm voice a Stand-In-Your Power comeback statement. Examples include: So? And? Who Cares? My name is ___ Call me by my name. Got nothing better to do?  Act It Out.


T/F for 400

4 main clues that what is happening is bullying are:   1) someone is being hurt on accident 2) it happens only one time 3) the person bullying is trying to (or has) power over the person they are targeting (ex: is older, bigger, stronger, more "popular") 4) the person being targeted has a hard time making it stop.


Sketch It for 400

Draw how you might feel if you were bullying someone else.


Imagine If for 400

Imagine if your friend wrote something mean and untrue on social media about a classmate who is often excluded and teased at school, what could you do to help stop this cyberbullying?


Risk for 400

One way to "stand in your power" if you are the target of bullying is to remind yourself that you are awesome, loveable and worthy of respect and belonging NO MATTER WHAT!  What are 5 things that you are good at, passionate about and/or appreciate about yourself?


Act It Out for 500

Imagine that when you are in the hallway you hear a classmate call another student a loser and see him shoving that student up against the wall.  What Stand Up To Bullying Tip could you use?  Act It Out.


T/F for 500

Bullying can include:

*hurting someone physically or emotionally


*teasing, put-downs and name calling

*spreading rumors


*sending hurtful messages through social media and texts

*trying to make someone feel bad about themselves

*treating someone badly based on their religion, physical appearance, skin color, abilities, how much money their family has and/or gender


Sketch It for 500

One way to "bully-proof" yourself is to build your confidence and belief in your personal power.  Draw 3 things that you are good at and/or what you appreciate about yourself.


Imagine If for 500

Imagine if your friend put down a boy in your class for wearing a pink shirt and purple nail polish, and that this is not the first time your friend has made fun of him.  What Stand Up To Bullying TIP could you use?


Risk for 500

What advice would you give to someone you care about if they were being bullied?  How could you support them to Stand In Their Power and Stand Up To bullying?
