Reading Vocab
Reading Comp
My PREDICTION is that our team will win the World Series. A. invitation B. contract C. forecast D. appeal
What is forecast?
Find the misspelled word: I like to read biographys of courageous heroes. No mistake.
What is biographys (biographies)?
The setting of the passage, "If I Forget Thee, Oh Earth..." is-
What is a settlement on a distant planet sometime in the future?
While reading a book about lizards, Robert is listing ways that most lizards are similar to one another..Robert should include the following in his list... a. chameleons grow to be much larger than geckos b. some lizards eat small rodents c. lizards have adapted to life in nearly all environments d. skinks and geckos are both very good first pets
What is lizards have adapted to life in nearly all environments?
The name of the poem we read the other day is-
What is I need love?
Our former senator has won ACCLAIM for his powers as a public speaker. a. amibition B. amusement c. merchandise d. praise
What is praise?
The soccer fans waved flags to show their nashional pride. No mistake.
What is nashional?
Which sense other than sight is described in this same text?
What is smell?
To prepare for writing a report,about different ways to exercise, Julio is listing kinds of excercises. Which should Julio NOT include in his list? a. lifting weights b. dancing c. taking a walk d. getting enough sleep
What is getting enough sleep?
The name of the dance we perform almost EVERY Friday is-
What is the wobble?
In the middle of the desert, the weary travelers dismounted from their camels and looked at the opulent palace, where surprisingly splendid decorations promised welcome food and drink. OPULENT means- A. neon B. rich C. fragile D. eternal
What is rich?
I don't go to concerts that offen because it is a very expensive activity. No mistake.
What is offen?
Marvins sees_________ when he and his father arrive at the highest level.
What is sunlight?
Julio decides to write his report about running as exercise. Which of the sentences would be the best beginning for Julio's report? a. running is an exercise most people can do fairly easily and can benefit from greatly. b. there are many sports you can choose instead of running. c. There are lots of fashionable running clothes available today. d. You will often see people stretching to loosen up before they run a big race.
What is A?
The sea breeze made the student wheezy is an example of this type of figurative language...
What is assonance (the repetition of vowel sounds)?
To JIGGLE is to- a. handle b. move c. shake d. climb
What is shake?
I offered her a rose as a cymbal of my affection. No mistake.
What is symbal (symbol)?
The phrase purged of means-
What is cleansed of?
Julio decides to write his report about running as exercise. Which sentence DOES NOT belong in Julio's report? A. Wearing appropriate running shoes can help keep you from getting injured. B. Eating the right foods will give you the energy you need to run. C. Some athletes prefer biking or swimming over running. D. You can improve your speed and distance by running regularly.
What is C?
Nature's first green is gold. Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf's a flower, But only so an hour. This has the rhyme scheme...
What is AABB?
To lunge is to- a. permit b. afford c. creep d. leap
What is leap?
We had to hall ten boxes of tomatoes to the restaurant. No mistake.
What is hall (haul)?
One word to describe Marvin's feeling by the end of the piece is...
What is excitement?
Keesha conducted a survey, asking each student in four of her classes what pets they had. She will write a report based on her findings. Pets Owned by Students in Keesha's Classes Dogs 59 Fish 48 Cats 43 Birds 9 Other 32 Which should Keesha use to present these survey results in the most effective way? A. an outline B. a pie chart C. a Venn diagram D. a photo representing each category
What is a pie chart?
Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sand to grief. So dawn goes down to day. NOthing gold can stay. What is the allusion represented in this stanza?
What is Eden?