My height
What is 5'2 1/2
This is my Favorite color
What is purple
I played these sports growing up
What are soccer, basketball and cheerleading
This is my favorite genre of music
What is RnB
I was in this section during 1L year
What is section 1
This is my family/childhood Nickname
What is Lia
This is my favorite food
What is Mac and Cheese
This was my signature childhood hairstyle
What are box braids
I can quote this movie word for word
What is Dreamgirls
I want to practice this type of law
What is criminal law
This is my Middle Name
What is "Angel-Mary"
This is my favorite tv show
What is girlfriends
This was my childhood celebrity crush
Who is Justin Bieber
I always called this celebrity "my husband"
Who is Christian Combs
I am involved in these activities at HUSL
what is ALSA and Trial Advocacy (mock trial)
I have lived in these states
What is Maryland, Georgia, and New York
This is my favorite number
what is 3
This was my favorite childhood show
What is "that's so Raven"
This is the first concert I ever attended
What is the King and Queen of Hearts World Tour with Mary J. Blige and Maxwell
I was an intern here during my 1L summer
What is the Montgomery County State's Attorney's Office
I have this many tattoos
What is 8
This is my all-time favorite rapper
Who is Nas
This was my childhood dream job
What is a Background Dancer (for Beyonce)
I’ve met this celebrity in person.
Who is The Game or Mary J. Blige
This relative of mine attended HUSL before me (not the name but the relation)
What is her cousin