What grade levels do we cover?
We cover 7th-9th grade.
How is the curriculum customized to our state standards?
You will receive a correlation report showcasing what percentage of your standards our content will cover.
What are the space requirements for Star Academy classrooms?
Five classrooms, reserved for only Star Academy, all roughly bigger than 750 sq ft. Water access in Math and Science if possible.
What does TCI stand for?
Teacher Curriculum Institute
How much does Star Academy cost? What is included?
One million dollars for three years and includes all furniture, tech and curriculum.
What is Living Curriculum?
Living Curriculum is a cross curricular offering that we implement in year two when sites are ready.
What are the warranties included in Star Academy?
NOLA Education supports all equipment over the first three-year contract.
What does IPL stand for?
Individualized Prescriptive Lessons
What is the cost per student in Star Academy at capacity?
Star Academy costs just over 4,000/student. (4166 exactly)
How do we cover HS courses?
Algebra I, Integrated Science, Social Studies, and the school district’s Tier 1 ELA class.
What does TANF stand for?
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
What are recommendations for student recruitment?
Student profile, application process, parent night, and recommended recruitment timeline.
What soft skills do we develop?
Time management, teamwork, problem solving, emotional intelligence, and critical thinking.
What does GEER stand for?
Governor’s Emergency Education Relief.
Why do programs close or cease to operate?
Most programs are unsuccessful due to a lack of top down buy in.
How does Star Academy handle internet down?
Discovery Days, Blended Science, Math Connections, Text Training, SS Textbooks, Career Explorations/Studies.
What is the schools IT staff’s commitment to supporting Star Academy?
The school must provide contact information for the IT staff before installation, access to the school's WIFI network and provide a whitelist of URLs.
What does EANS stand for?
Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools