Lining Up

What kind of voice do you use in the classroom during work time? A) scream B) normal talking voice C) quiet voice

WHAT IS: a quiet voice.


Where do you sit in the lunchroom? A) in assigned seat B) in any place I want

WHAT IS: In my assigned seat.


Which direction should you face when you go down the hallway?

WHAT IS: the front.


TRUE or FALSE You should run to line so you can get there quickly.

WHAT IS: False


What can we do during recess time?

Play a game the whole class can play.


How do you answer the teacher's question?

WHAT IS: raise my hand and wait to be called on.


When can we whisper talk in the cafeteria?

After 5 minutes of eating only quiet time.


Where should your hands be as you walk in the hallway?

WHAT IS: At your side or behind your back.


Where should you stand when you line up?

WHAT IS: Directly behind the person in front of me.


Why is recess so important?

What is: People need a brain break and time to relax during the day.


What is the BEST way to get the teacher's attention? A) poke her in the arm B) raise your hand and wait patiently C) follow her around the room like a puppy D) yell across the room

WHAT IS: raise your hand and wait patiently


Name 2 things you need to do before going outside for recess.

WHAT IS: 1) clean up my area. 2) wait quietly for my table to be called. 4) line up quietly.


Describe what PERSONAL SPACE means.

WHAT IS: space that you give the person in front and back of you so you don't touch them. Sometimes you might hear someone call it "their bubble."


Name three places you will go in the school that you will need to line up for.

WHAT IS: 1) Media Center 2) Specials 3.) Lunch 4) Recess 5) Going Home 7)


What can we do during indoor recess?

Go Noodle, Legos, Board games, Play on Cool Math or Read a chapter book, draw


What will happen if you don't do your homework?

WHAT IS: I won't get to practice what I am learning in class and will most likely do poorly on an assessment. 


Who is the main person who might help you open ketchup packets, milk, or help in any other way?

WHO IS: Mr. Henley


Name two things that could happen if you turn around in line while you are walking down the hall. BONUS: TRUE or FALSE This is a good choice to make.

WHAT IS: 1) get in trouble by the teacher 2) run into the back of the person in front of you 3) step on the person's heel in front of you 4) talk to the person behind you BONUS: False


Name two things that could happen if we don't line up quietly.

WHAT IS: 1) arrive late to where we need to go. 2) get in trouble with the teacher. 3) have to try and line up again right away. 4) have to practice lining up at recess.


When should you sharpen your pencil?

WHAT IS: before class starts, and when I raise it in the air to ask my teacher to sharpen it.


What does "You're at a #1 mean in the cafeteria when you are done eating?

WHAT IS: Gather all of your items onto your tray.


What should you have in your mouth as you walk down the hallway?

What is a bubble.


What do I need to do before I get in line? A) Catch a bubble B) Push in my chair C) Face the front of the line D) Leave personal space E) All of the above

What is all of the above.
