
What are ways to be safe in a portable or any classroom?

- Walk at all times

- Sit safely

- Push in chairs

- Other acceptable answers

What are some expectations on the swings?

Any of the following:

1. One person at a time

2. 30 seconds per turn

3. Be safe (e.g., don't stand close to the swings)


When you are walking in the hallway, which of the following is/are accepted?

1. Silent and eyes forward

2. Talking quietly to the person behind or in front of you

3. Walking silently next to your friend

4. Calling out to your friend or sibling

5. Quickly waving a hello to someone you know

1 and 5


At DGR, we keep our ____ and ____ to ourselves, and use _____ words and actions!

hands and feet to ourselves

kind words and actions


What is responsibility or organization?

Cleaning up your materials and workspace 

Know where things are

Have your materials ready


What are some expectations for using the saucer swing?

Any of the following:

  • 3 intermediate students on the swing 

  • 4 primary students on the swing

  • 2 people pushing at a time (one on each side)

  • 30 pushes per turn (15 for each pusher)

  • Do not wait close to the swing for your turn; stand on the other side of the


What is one way to stay safe in the hallway?

Any of the following:

- Walk in single file

- Stay on the right

- Use stairs

- Hands, feet, body to self

- Other acceptable answers


What is a reward and what is a consequence?

Answers may vary, but somewhere along the lines of: 

A reward is something positive that you earn for good behavior. Rewards encourage you to keep up the good work and show appreciation for your efforts.

A consequence is the result of a choice or action. A consequence happens when a rule is broken, and it is meant to help you learn from your mistake and make better choices next time.  


Describe 3 ways to show respect inside the classroom.

Any of the following and other acceptable answers:

1. Listen without interrupting.

2. Raise your hand and wait to be called on before speaking. 

3. Follow instructions the first time they are given.

4. Say "please" and "thank you".

5. Use kind and positive words when speaking to others. 

6. Invite others to join activities or groups. 

7. Avoid teasing, name-calling, or making fun of others. 

8. Follow the classroom expectations.

9. Follow safety rules to keep everyone safe and comfortable.

10. Pick up trash, even if it’s not yours.

11. Use classroom materials (like books, tools, or electronics) properly.



What are 3 ways to be accountable on the playground?

- Apologize when needed

- Line up as soon as the bell rings

- Use garbage cans for litter

- Other acceptable answers


What are two ways to be respectful in the hallway?

- Be mindful of other classes working

- Maintain personal space

- Care for hallway displays

- Other acceptable answers


Name three responsibilities you have before leaving the portable for recess.

Any of the following:

1. Clean our desk and floorspace

2. Playground leaders get their lanyards

3. Make sure our lunch bag is in our backpack

4. Line up in a straight line

5. Finish homework


What are 4 ways to be accountable in the classroom?

- Clean up after yourself

- Recycle properly

- Complete schoolwork

- Work and share with everyone

- Other acceptable answers


What are four ways to be thoughtful on the playground?

- include others

- pick up litter

- use your words (please and thank you)

- share equipment

- Other acceptable answers


What are 4 ways to be accountable in the hallway?

- Follow rules even though no one is watching

- Go directly to destination

- Return to class quickly

- Other acceptable answers


Describe 4 expectations when using the washroom

- wait your turn

- quiet voices

- flush

- wash your hands with soap

- report unsafe activities

- report water spills

- respect others' privacy and space


What are 5 ways to be thoughtful in the classroom?

- Listen to others, wait your turn

- Work quietly

- Help others

- Look for who needs help

- Bring things that are safe for the classroom

- Clean the classroom

- Other acceptable answers


What are 5 ways to be respectful on the playground?

- respect others' privacy and space

- listen and respond to adults

- wait your turn to play on equipment

- respect trees, shrubs, and grounds

- Other acceptable answers


What are 5 ways to be thoughtful in the hallway?

- Silent when walking

- Quiet when working

- Enter building quietly

- Hold door for others

- Other acceptable answers


Say what it means to be a STAR and why it is important.

Example: To be a STAR, you must be safe, thoughtful, accountable, and respectful in all of the shared spaces in school. Being a STAR is important because it keeps everyone safe.
