Central Idea
Compare and Contrast
Test Taking Tips

Let's imagine how cheese is made! First, farmers milk cows, sheep, or goats, gathering the fresh milk. Then, the milk takes a cozy nap in a big pot, where special ingredients called "enzymes" and "bacteria" work their magic, turning the milk into something called "curds" and "whey." Next, it's time to scoop out those curds, squish them together, and press them into shapes like wheels or blocks. After that, the cheese gets to chill out for a while, maybe even taking a nap in a cool place, until it's all set and ready to be enjoyed on crackers or in sandwiches.

What is the CENTRAL IDEA?
A. Cheese can be used on crackers and sandwiches.
B. Curds and whey are a part of cheese making.
C. Cheese can be made from different animals.
D. Steps to make cheese.

D. Steps to make cheese.


Once upon a time, in a cozy little village, there lived a boy named Timmy. One sunny day, while playing in the park, Timmy found a shiny coin lying on the ground. Excited by his discovery, he thought about keeping it for himself, but then he remembered something very important: honesty. Timmy knew that the right thing to do was to try to find the owner of the lost coin. So, he went around the park asking everyone if they had lost a coin. Finally, he found a little girl who said she had dropped her special lucky coin. With a smile, Timmy returned the coin to her, feeling proud of himself for being honest. And you know what? The little girl happened to be the princess! She rewarded Timmy with one wish. Timmy wished for everyone in the kingdom to have a lucky coin.

What is the THEME of this story?
A. Coins are lucky.
B. Be nice to girls.
C. Honesty is the best policy
D. Always find lucky coins.

C. Honesty is the best policy


Correct this sentence if needed:
My car I park in the driveway

A. In the driveway my car I park.
B. I park my car in the driveway.
C. Correct as is.

B. I park my car in the driveway.


What is a good key word to look for when comparing two things?

A. Except
B. Therefore
C. However
D. Both

D. Both


To do your best on the test, you should...

A. Get a good night's sleep.
B. Eat breakfast.
C. Focus and read everything
D. Trust yourself
E. Take your time
F. All of the Above

F. All of the Above


Let's talk about beavers! Imagine fluffy, busy creatures with big teeth and flat tails. Beavers are like nature's engineers! They live in cozy homes called lodges near rivers and streams. Using their strong teeth, they chop down trees and gather branches to build dams across the water. These dams make big ponds where they can swim and play safely. Beavers are super smart and work together as a family to keep their homes safe and cozy.

What detail supports the central idea "beavers are nature's engineers."?
A. They live in cozy homes called lodges.
B. they chop down trees and gather branches.
C. Beavers are super smart.
D. fluffy, busy creatures with big teeth and flat tails.

B. they chop down trees and gather branches.


In a colorful forest filled with chirping birds and swaying trees, there lived a shy little squirrel named Sammy. Sammy often compared himself to other animals in the forest, feeling small and unimportant. One day, he met a wise old owl who told him a secret: "Sammy, the most important love is the love you have for yourself." Sammy decided to try it out. He started to appreciate his fluffy tail, his nimble feet, and his clever mind. Sammy grew to love himself more and more. Soon, he realized that when he loved himself, he felt happier and more confident than ever before. From that moment on, Sammy danced through the forest with a twinkle in his eye, spreading love and joy wherever he went. And as he looked up at the sky, he whispered to himself, "I am enough, just as I am."

What detail from the story supports the theme being "Love yourself just as you are."

A. In a colorful forest filled with chirping birds and swaying trees.
B. Sammy often compared himself to other animals in the forest.
C.  Sammy decided to try it out.
D. Sammy danced through the forest with a twinkle in his eye.

D. Sammy danced through the forest with a twinkle in his eye.


What word has the same vowel sound as the word SLEIGH.

A. Pizza
B. Dream
C. Size
D. Tray

D. Tray


Sailboats and pirate ships both harness the power of the wind to navigate the vast oceans, yet they differ in significant ways. Both vessels feature sails that catch the wind, pushing them forward across the water, but while sailboats are typically sleek and designed for efficiency, pirate ships often have rugged, intimidating appearances with black sails and menacing flags.

Which sentence tells the difference between sail boats and pirate ships?

A. Both vessels feature sails that catch the wind.
B. Both harness the power of the wind to navigate the vast oceans.
C. sailboats are sleek and designed for efficiency, pirate ships often have an intimidating appearances

D. Pirate ships do not have sails.

C. sailboats are sleek and designed for efficiency, pirate ships often have an intimidating appearances


Did you know that computers are like super smart helpers for people? Imagine a computer as a friendly robot friend that can do all sorts of cool things to help us out! For example, computers can help us learn new things by showing us fun videos and games. They can also help us talk to our friends and family who are far away by sending messages or video chatting. When we need to find information for a school project or a fun fact, guess who comes to the rescue? That's right, our trusty computer friend! So, next time you see a computer, give it a high-five for being such an awesome helper to us all!

What TWO details support the central idea "Computers help people."?
A. A friendly robot friend that can do all sorts of cool things to help us out!
B. next time you see a computer, give it a high-five
C. That's right, our trusty computer friend!Beavers are super smart.
D. computers can help us learn new things

A. A friendly robot friend that can do all sorts of cool things to help us out!

D. computers can help us learn new things


An Ox came down to a reedy pool to drink. As he splashed heavily into the water, he crushed a young Frog into the mud.
The old Frog soon missed the little one and asked his brothers and sisters what had become of him.
"A great big monster," said one of them, "stepped on little brother with one of his huge feet!"

"Big, was he!" said the old Frog, puffing herself up. "Was he as big as this?"
"Oh, much bigger!" they cried.
The Frog puffed up still more.
"He could not have been bigger than this," she said. But the little Frogs all declared that the monster was much, much bigger and the old Frog kept puffing herself out more and more until, all at once, she burst.

What is the theme of the story?

A. Watch out for bigger animals.
B. Do not attempt the impossible
C. Frogs should only be frogs.
D. Be careful what stories you tell.

B. Do not attempt the impossible


I am going to two birthday PARTYS.

Look at the word "PARTYS"

A. parties
B. partees
C. Correct as is.

A. parties


Both mammals and birds have something special in common: they're warm-blooded, which means they can regulate their body temperature. But here's where they differ: mammals are covered in fur or hair, while birds have feathers. Birds have feathers that help them fly through the sky. So, while mammals keep warm with their fur, birds take to the air with their feathers, showing us just how wonderfully diverse our animal friends can be!

Which sentence is true:

A. Mammals and birds have no differences.
B. Mammals have fur or hair while birds have feathers.
C. Birds do not have hair and some mammals have feathers.
D. Mammals are warm-blooded and birds are not.

B. Mammals have fur or hair while birds have feathers.
