What is Spock's phrase
Live long and prosper / peace and long life
What medicine is used comically often
Who on bridge is the captain
Jim Kirk / James Kirk / James T Kirk
What happens to Kirk's shirt every episode
It rips, it's gone, nakey man
What is Data
An android
What colour is Spock's uniform
What is bones
A doctor / surgeon
Who on the bridge is Russian
Pavel Checkov
Who plays Kirk
William Shatner
What must one say when sitting on the chair in a very specific way
What is Spock's position on the bridge
First officer / second in command
Who is the nurse in tos
Nurse Chapel / Christine Chapel / Chapel
Who on bridge has bright green earrings and says "communications open" or some variation of that as her every third line"
Nyota Uhura
What ship does Kirk serve on before the USS NCC-1701
Who wants coffee
What is Spock's instrument
Vulcan Lute
What is used to monitor health (and a bunch of other things because tos logic lol)
Who fences on the bridge
Hikaru Sulu
What is Kirk's siblings name
What is the third world war called
The Eugenics War
What is Spock's wife's name
What is Bones' catchphrase
(Dammit Jim) I'm a doctor/surgeon not a .......
Who left the bridge after 8 episodes (unsure if it includes pilot or not soz)
Janice Rand
What is Kirk's middle name
Where does Mariner live
Her mum's basement