This Character Is in every film except for the new Disney movies
Who is Obi-Wan Kenobi
a type of tie fighter
what is First Order Special Forces TIE Fighter
in rise of skywalker only
who is bd-1
obi wans iconic line
what is hello there
Young Anakin's pod racing enemy
who is sebulba
Luke Skywalkers ship
what is a x-wing
iconic og trilogy comic relief
who is c3po
anakins iconic line
this is where the fun begins
i gave it away
in every movie
who is palpatine
Ezra bridger Lives in it
what is the ghost
imperial _____ Droid
c3pos iconic line
oh no
baby yoda/grogu
Anakin's crush
who is padme
iconic sith spaceship
what is the death star
luke and anakins droid
who is r2d2
r2d2s iconic line
random beeping noises
in I, II, and III. mostly used for comic relief
who is jar jar binks
mando uses it
what is a speeder bike
in the clone wars
battle droids
darth vaders iconic line
darth maul hates him