what movie has the has vaders death
move 6 return of the jedi
what is the most popular meme in revenge of the sith
this is where the fun begins
what does anikan say in his pod with obi-wan
this is where the fun begins
who kills darth maul n rebeles
genarel kenobi
whats darth tyranuses real name
count duko
what movie has anikan told the tragty of darth pleigus the wise
revenge of the sith
whats the meme with kenobi and greivies
obi-wan-kenobi jumps and breaks his leg
what does anikan say to his mom in phantom menace before leaving to become a jedi
i will come back and free you
wich jedis name fights palpitine in the senate chambers
master yoda
whats darth sidios first aprenitce
darth maul
what movie is artoo found
phantom menace
who says like you had the hi ground against darth maul
uncle owen
what does han solo say before frozen in carbonite wen liea says i love you
he says i know
he didnt even last a full movie
qui gon jinn
who is covered in black armor
darth vader
what movie does uncle owen buy c-3po and artoo
a new hope
what does obi wan say thats a your mom joke
thats no moon thats yo mama
what does obi-wan say to anikan on mustafar
its over anikan i have the hi ground
has only been a jedi for four and a halph movies
anikan skywalker
theres a rumer hes darth puljues
what movie is movie 1
phantom menace
what is the most memed meme in attack of the clones
i dont like sand
what does obi-wan-kenobi say to genarel greivies
Hello there
what jedi is green and wise
master yoda
who is scary wrinkly and has a lot of dead aprenecices
emporor palpatine