This is used by Jedi.
What is a lightsaber?
This ship looks like a heap of garbage.
What is the Moleniom Falcon?
The people with the worst aim in the galexy.
What are stormtroopers?
This planet is where Luke and Anikin were raised
Where is Tatooine?
Yoda's most popular saying.
What is "do or do not, there is no try"?
the ship Luke flies.
What is an X-wing?
Darth Vader was Known as this before he was Darth Vader.
Who was Anakin Skywalker?
This is the planet where obi-won and Anikin fought
Where is Mustufar?
This is what Admeral Acbar says while fighting the Death Star in movie 6.
What is "its a trap"?
The space station used by the empire to blow up planets.
What is the Death Star?
the ships that fight the AT-AT walkers in movie 5.
What are Snow Speeders?
The wisest Jedi.
Who is Yoda?
Where the final battle happens in "Rise of Skywalker"
Where is Exegol?
Obi-won says this to Luke in movie 4 while in his X-wing.
What is "Luke use the force"?
The kind of ships that make up gold squadren.
What are Y-wings?
The Jedi who was raised on Tatooine.
Who is Anakin Skywalker?
Darth Vader's saying.
What is " join us or die"?
This ship is used by the inquisiters.
What is Inquisiter Transport Scyth?
This is Boba Fett's saying.
What is ¨its no good to me dead"?