Sith Lords
Cinema/behind the scenes

What is Count Dooku's Sith name?

What does Darth Vader say to Luke after cutting off his hand? (must be exact)

Darth Tyranus

"No, I am your Father!"


What does Darth Vader say in response to Obi-Wan's " I have the high ground? " (must be exact)

What is the name of Anakin Skywalker's apprentice?

"You underestimate my POWER!!"

Ahsoka Tano


What is a Mandalorian's armor made out of?

Why did the clone troopers turn on their Jedi Generals at the end of the Clone Wars?


Order 66 was issued and it activated a chip in their heads that made them kill all Jedi.


Who wrote the music for Star Wars?

Who created and directed most of Star Wars

John Williams

George Lucas


What is the EU?

What dying toy company was revived after it started selling Star Wars toys in 1999.

The EU is any media outside of the 6 movies and the Clone Wars. This definition has changed since the Disney takeover to include content made by them such as video games, books, comics, and tv shows.



Who was Darth Sidious's master?

What unnatural characteristic happens to a person who is a sith?

Darth Plagueis

Their eyes turn yellow


How many seasons of Clone Wars are there? 

True or false, ET is in Star Wars and if so, what scene?


The senate building in a Phantom Menace


What is the name of the Mandalorian's ship in seasons 1 and 2?

What does BBY and ABY mean?

The Razor Crest

Before and after the battle of Yavin.


Name 5 changes that were done in the special editions and rereleases of the movies.

In the official Cannon,(not opinion) who shot first, Han Solo or Greedo?

A few answers are Greedo shooting first, Yoda CGIed, updated jabba palace song, deleted scenes added, extended aspect ratio for phantom menace, Different return of the Jedi ending, disney + version has color restoration, extended pod race scene, Ewoks blinking,dewbacks added, and digital shots such as the trench run reshot.



Where was Naboo in Attack of the Clones filmed?

Which of the main 3 actors in the original trilogy are still alive?

Italy in Lake Como

Harrison Ford and Mark Hamil


At the time of the events of the Phantom Menace, how long have the Sith been thought extinct?

What does TIE-fighter stand for?

A millennium or a thousand years.

Twin Ion Engine


What was Luke Skywalker's orginal name

What planet was the Jedi Temple on?

Deak or Luke Starkiller



What media did Boba Fett first appear in?

What is Anakin's clone Legion called?

The 1978 Star Wars Holiday Special.

The 501st Legion and later Vader's Fist


Which Star Wars movie made the most amount of money(adjusted for inflation)?

How much money did George Lucas sell the Star Wars IP to Disney for(rounded to billions)?

A New Hope made over 3.5 billion dollars (adjusted for inflation) putting it in the top 3 highest grossing movies of all time.

4 billion dollars in 2014, half of it in disney stocks.


Who is the main villian of the EU Heir to the Empire trilogy?

What is wrong with Han Solo's statement about the Millenium Falcon making the Kessel Run in 12 Parsecs?


who directed The Empire Strikes Back

Admiral Thrawn

According to Padme in Attack of the Clones, parsec is a measurement of distance, not time, when referring to Genosis being a few parsecs away from Tatooine.

Irvin Kershner


Who created the rule of two for the Sith, a master and an apprentice?

Why can't Darth Vader use force lighting like other Sith?

Darth Bane

Because all of his limbs were cut off.


What planet are Yoda, Yaddle, and Grogu from?

name 4 Jedi Masters on the Jedi Council.


Yoda, Mace Windu, Kit Fisto, Obiwan, and Plo Koon.


What Clone Commander served under Jedi Obiwan kenobi?

explain the difference between the cites Mos Espa and Mos Eisley 

Commander Cody

Mos Espa is the city on Tatooine in Phantom Menace with the Podrace. 

Mos Eisley is the city in A New Hope with the cantina.


Name the villain for the original scripts written by George Lucas for 7,8, and 9.

What character did script writer Lawrence Kasdan say should have died in Return of the Jedi but was kept alive for toy sales?

Darth Maul and Darth Talon

Han Solo


Daily Double

What is the only Star Wars movie to begin with an upward tilt instead of a downward pan?

What is the only Star Wars movie to not end with a group shot?

Attack of the Clones

Empire Strikes Back


What is the homeworld of the Sith?

What line of dialog (which was originally going to be used for Indiana Jones) is said in every Star Wars movie?

Orginally known as Korriban, Moraband is the homeworld of the sith. 

"I have a bad feeling about this."


What Jedi has the highest midiclorian count?

What was Luke's father's job according to Uncle Owen

Anakin Skywalker at over 20,000

Spice Navigator or intergalatic drug dealer.


Who created the Darksaber?

Who commisioned the creation of the Clone Army?

Tar Vizla

Sifo Dyas authorized the creation of the clone army and then was killed by Count Dooku.


What is the only movie of the 6 original Star Wars movies to be shown in IMAX?

Which is the only movie of the 6 original Star Wars movies to be shown in 3D

Attack of the Clones was shown in IMAX but had 20 minutes of the film cut out because the technology had a 2-hour limit.

Phantom Menace


What are the odds of successfully navigating an asteroid field?

George Lucas appears as a cameo in one scene in the franchise, what is that?

"But sir, the odds of successfully navigating an asteroid field are approximately 3720 to 1."*

*within a thousand, you get it right.

The opera house in Revenge of the Sith.
