Which Star Wars film has the most academy awards to its name
Episode IV A New Hope
What is Samual L. Jackson's character called
Mace Windu
What is Chewbacca's weapon of choice
Bow caster
Which Star Wars film has this quote "I don't like sand"
Episode II Attack of the clones
What color is Qui-Gon jinn's lightsaber
Who is Rey's grandfather
Emperor Palpatine
who built C-3PO
What did Luke Skywalker lose in his fight against Darth Vader
His right hand
Which nickname does Han give Luke that drives him crazy
What is the name of Han Solo's ship
The Millennium Falcon
What are the creatures living on Endor that helped the rebels to defeat the second Death Star
What is the name of yoda's home
What is admiral ackbar's famous phrase
"Its a trap"
What year was episode IV released
who is the famous mentor of Luke Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Who freed Princess Leia from her chains at Jabba's palace
Who is an X-wing pilot a Jedi master but still needs power converters
Luke Skywalker
What is the location of the scene in which we see the color of Luke's outfit change from white to black
Jabba's palace
What term is used for Force users who may use both light and dark sides
Who tells Rey "I am no Jedi but I know the force"
Maz Kanata
What was the original title for the Star Wars movie's
Adventures of Luke Starkiller
What were padme's last words
"Obi-Wan... there is good in him I know there is."
According to the emperor what was Luke sky walkers weakness
His faith in his friends
Which bounty hunter was trying to capture Han Solo when Greedo arrived first
Danz Borin
Where did the clone wars begin