What Planet is Luke Shywalker from?
What is the name of the TIE that Grand Admiral Thrawn's designed?
The TIE Deffender
What Species is Jabba.
A Hutt
What are the two sides in the Clone Wars?
The Repuublic and The Sepertists
What kind of droid is R2-D2?
A R2 unit
What planet is Ezra Bridger from?
What is the name of Han Solo's ship?
The Malemiam Falcon
What species is Chewbacca?
A Wokie
What is the Galatic Senate?
Senaters from all across the galxy
What is the name of a bounty hunter droid?
An IG-Unit
What planet is the Gungens from?
What is the name of Darth Vader's TIE?
The Darkhawk
What species is Max Rebo?
Who created the Clones?
The Caminoins
What kind of droid is BB8?
A rollar droid
What planet is Han Solo from?
What is the name of clone force 99's ship?
The Marado
What species is Grand Admiral Thrawn?
The Chiss
What does sepertist super tatical droids do?
They give the orders of all of the other battle droids on the field
What kind of droid is C3PO?
A protocol droid
What planet is Thrawn from?
Planet Peridea
What is the name of Grand Admiral Thrawn's star destroyers name?
The Chimaera
What species is the pig guardsmen?
What is order 66?
The order to kill all of the Jedi
What kind of droid is K2so?
A Imperial droid