Who joined the rebellion and blew up the death star?
Luke Skywalker
Which sith used a breathing suit?
Darth Vader
Who was dath vaders apprentice who created the rebel alliance?
Starkiller(Galen Marek)
Where was anakin raised?
Who said "hello there"
Obi wan kenobi
Who is hid on tatooine and went by ben to protect luke sywalker?
Obi wan kenobi
Which dark sider was darth vaders grandson?
Kyle Ren
Who led the eternal empire?
Where was the battle in empire strikes back, the frozen planet?
Who said "this is where the fun begins"?
Anakin Skywalker
Who went by red 5 fighting for the rebellion in "a new hope"?
Luke Skywalker
Which sith could save others from death?
Darth Plageius
Who was the sith emperor in swotr?
Where was the second death star destroyed?
Who said "I shouldn't have come I'm endangering the mission"?
Luke sywalker
Which jedi used vapaad when fighting darth sidious?
Mace Windu
Who created the rule of 2?
Darth Bane
Who was lukes wife?
Mara Jade
Where was the rebel alliance based in "a new hope"?
Yavin 4
Who said "I truly deeply, love u"?
Padme Naberrie (Amidala)
Which jedi master was married?
Ki Adi mundi
What was count dookus sith name?
Darth Tyranus
What was leias eldest son in legends?
Anakin solo
Where are stat destroyers made?
Kuat drives
Who said "this is such a drag"?