The name of Han Solo's ship
What is the Millennium Falcon?
The kind of soldiers in the film, Rogue One, are called what?
A Death Trooper
The original commander of the Death Star?
Who killed Han Solo?
Kylo Ren
Luke Skywalker destroys this in the movie 'Star Wars IV: A New Hope'?
The Death Star
The color of Yoda's lightsaber?
The masters of the Dark Side who want to rule the galaxy are called this?
The Sith
What other action movie does Harrison Ford “Han Solo” star in?
A) Harry Potter
B) Indiana Jones
C) The Avengers
Indiana Jones
Who was Boba Fett's father?
Jango Fett
Who is the famous film composer for all the movies in the Star Wars saga?
Who is John Williams
Which Star Wars battles were given their own animated TV series?
A) The Clone Wars
B) The Rebellion
C) The Jedi vs. the Sith
What is The Clone Wars
Han Solo was trapped in this at the end of The Empire Strikes Back.
Which main character dies in the movie "Star Wars: Return of the Jedi?"
In the end, who does the Mandalorian give Baby Yoda to?
Luke Skywalker
What is the name of Han's friend who runs Bespin's Cloud City?
Who is Lando
What planet is home to Wicket and the Ewoks?
A) Bespin
B) Endor
C) Yavin
Endor; specifically one of the Endor moons
Whose hand did Vader cut off at the end of Empire Strikes Back?
Luke Skywalker's
Han Solo's response when Leia tells him that she loves him.
"I know"
Who was the builder of C-3P0?
Anakin Skywalker
What was the main reason Anakin fell to the dark side?
He wanted to save his wife Padmè,
Which Marvel character does Mace Windu's actor play?
Nick Fury
The name of Boba Fett's ship?
A) The Millennium Falcon
B) The Nostromo
B) Slave 1
Slave 1
Who was the last to jump off the Death Star garbage dump in Star Wars?
A) Han
B) Leia
C) Luke
Han Solo
Count Dooku cuts off which of Anakin Skywalker's hands?
His Right Hand
Yoda's estimated age when he dies.
900 years