Darth Sidious's real name
What is Sheev Palpatine?
The species of Bib Fortuna and Aayla Secura
What is Twi'lek?
The type of droid R2-D2 and R4-D6 are
What is Astromech?
Han Solo's home planet
What is Corellia?
The writer of the Star Wars franchise
Who is George Lucas?
The Mandalorian's real name
What is Din Djarin?
The species of Admiral Ackbar
What is Mon Calamari?
General Grievous's droid guards
The Wookiees' native planet
What is Kashyyyk?
The actor of Luke Skywalker
Who is Mark Hamil?
The green Rodian bounty hunter killed by Han Solo
Who is Greedo?
The species of Darth Maul and Asajj Ventress
What is zabrak?
Another name for Destroyer Droids
What is Droideka?
The location of the main Rebel base in A New Hope
The 2 actors of Obi-Wan Kenobi
Who are Alec Guinness and Ewan Macgregor?
The Togruta Jedi Master killed 5 times in cut scenes
Who is Shaak Ti?
The species of the red, bull-like creature at the first Battle of Geonosis
What is Reek?
The name of the Imperial Security Droid in Rogue One (2016)
What is K2-SO?
Jin Erso's home planet
What is Lah'mu?
The filming location of Tatooine
What is Tunisia?
Jabba the Hutt's pet Kowakian Monkey-Lizard
Who is Salacious b. Crumb?
The species of General Grievous
What is Kaleesh?
The name of the spider assassin droid sent after Duchess Satine in The Clone Wars (2008)
What is SD-K4?
The home planet of the Dugs and the Zillo Beast
What is Malastare?
All 4 actors of Anakin Skywalker
Who are Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christiansen, James Earl Jones, and David Prowse?