Sheev ______
These robed desert dwellers covet machinery above all else.
What are the Jawas?
This Kowakian Monkey-Lizard's piercing laugh was frequently heard in Jabba's Palace.
Who is Salacious B. Crumb?
This large, sand-dwelling creature is a major plot point of Episode VI.
What is the sarlacc pit at Carkoon?
This stormy water planet is the birthplace of the Grand Army of the Republic, literally.
What is Kamino?
Wedge _______
Iridonian and Dathomirian subvarieties of this species exist, of which Darth Maul is a member.
What are the Zabrak?
This antennaed death stick dealer left to "rethink his life" after some mild convincing from Obi-Wan.
Who is Elan Sleazebaggano?
Han Solo was transporting these dangerous creatures when we first see him in Episode VII.
What are Rathtars?
What is Yavin?
Wilhuff ______
Sebulba is one of these ambidextrous walkers who hail from the planet Malastare.
What are the Dugs?
Notable for his shield hat, this bounty hunter was usually seen with his trusty anooba hound, Marrok.
Who is Embo?
His experience "nailing" these Tattooine pests gave Luke some confidence in his ability to hit the first Death Star's exhaust port.
What are womp rats?
Jedi younglings make a pilgrimage to this planet to accquire their Kyber crystals.
What is Ilum?
Armitage ___
This purple-furred species is based off of Ralph McQuarrie's concept art for Chewbacca, and Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelious is the most notable representative.
What are the Lasat?
This four-lekkued senator from Ryloth appears as a background character throughout the prequels.
Who is Orn Free Taa?
One of these trash-dwelling creatures nearly drowned Luke during his rescue mission of Leia.
What is a dianoga?
This planet is the ancestral homeworld of the Sith species.
What is Korriban?
Finis _______
This ancient race of galaxy-conquering amphibians predated even the Sith in mastering the Dark Side of the Force.
What are the Rakatan?
This Chagrian served as Palpatine's Grand Vizier and helped him usher in the First Galactic Empire whilst knowing he was a Sith.
Who is Mas Amedda?
After seeing Luke's recovery from the wampa attack, Han remarks that he looks strong enough to "pull the ears off" of one of these beasts.
What is a Gundark?
The Jedi-Sith War drew to an end on this planet when all the Sith save one were destroyed and the Rule of Two was enacted.
What is Ruusan?