The Force Ghost Added in the Newer Edited Cut for Return of the Jedi.
Who is Anakin Skywalker?
Anakin Skywalker's Signature Move.
What is Obi-Ani?
The name Kylo Ren, Captain Phasma, and a Stormtrooper called Finn on Sight.
What is a Traitor?
The Capital of the Galaxy and headquarters of the Jedi Order.
What is Coruscant?
The Infamous Name of Boba Fett's Ship.
What is the Slave 1?
The Line Before Darth Vader says, "Search Your Feelings You Know it to be True".
What is "No. I am your father!" ?
Qui-Gon Jinn found that Anakin Skywalker had over 20,000 counts in his blood cells.
What are Midi-chlorian?
The Camera Company the Skywalker Lightsaber is based on.
What is a Graflex?
Where Rey's Home Planet is Located in The Galaxy.
What is the Inner Rim?
The Classification of Venator-Class and Imperial-Class Ships.
What is a Star Destroyer?
The unit of astronomical distance at which Starcrafts travel.
What is a "Parsec" (Double points for how fast Han Solo did the Kessel Run)?
Led by Captain Rex, a Group of Elite Stormtroopers Under the Command of Darth Vader.
What is the 501st Legion?
The sea-dwelling beakless bird native to Ahch-To.
What is a Porg (x2 what animal is it based on)?
The Den of Smugglers that the First Order occasionally surveys on Batuu.
What is Galaxy's Edge or Black Spire Outpost?
The Vehicle That Rey Lives in Episode VI.
What is an AT-AT? (x2 points for what it stands for)
The adoptive parents of Luke Skywalker, they own a moisture farm on the planet Tatooine.
Who is Owen Lars & Beru Whitesun Lars?
The Standard-issue Weapon Used by Clone Troopers.
What is a DC-15A?
The suicidal ramming tactic that was used to destroy the Supremacy.
What is The Holdo Maneuver or Hyperspace Ramming?
The ice planet that Jedi Younglings are sent to seek out Kyber Crystals.
What is Ilum?
The alloy that Captain Phasma & Naboo Starfighters use.
What is Chromium?
Luke Skywalker's Original Last Name.
What is Starkiller?
Formerly Known as Tsabin, She was Duty-bound to Protect Queen Padmé Amidala.
Who is Sabé
The Line That Has Appeared in Every Episode.
What is "I have (got) a bad feeling about this..."?
The Location of The Sound Stage and Audio Mixing for Various Star Wars Projects.
What is Skywalker Ranch?
The ship that wins the race in "I Am Your Mother", Star Wars Vision Season 2 Episode 4.
What is a Spacetug or Tugboat?