Who is Obi-Wan's master?
Qui-Gon Jinn
Han Solo and Chewbacca fly the?
Millennium Falcon
Poe Dameron's droid
Anakin Skywalkers apprentice?
Ahsoka Tano
Mandos mantra
This is the way
This bounty hunter is the clone template?
Jango Fett
Which Movie does Vader say "No, I am your father"
The Empire Strikes Back
Who is the Supreme Leader in The Force Awakens?
During The Clone Wars the Jedi like Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Mace Windu had this military rank?
Mando defeats this Moff?
Revenge of The Sith takes place over which planet 1st?
The Death Star II is being built over this moon?
Starkiller base is on what planet?
The Duros Bounty Hunter
Cad Bane
Most just call him Mando but what is his real name?
Din Djarin
What year did The Phanthom Menace come out?
Darth Vaders Super Star Destroyer
He's back as Lando Calrissian in The Rise of Skywalker
Billy Dee Williams
When did The Clone Wars start and end?
What planet is the Bounty Hunters Guild located?
"In the name of the Galactic Senate of The Republic, you're under arrest, Chancellor." Mace Windu is with 3 other jedi, who are they?
Kit Fitso
Agen Kolar
Saesee Tinn
What odds does C-3PO give Han for successfully navigating the asteroid field?
3,720 to 1
Poe calls him Finn but what did The First Order call him?
He was designated CT-7567
Captain Rex
Which Jedi rescue Grogu from Order 66?
Kelleran Beq