Anakin's Midichlorian count.
What is 20,000+?
Are these important to the story?
The old Sith Emperor
Who is Valkorian?
What color was the milk at the cantina?
Why does the force work so differently in each film?
The force always behaves however the plot wants it to.
Why Obi-Wan said Hello there.
TO MAKE MEMES OBVIOUSLY! But in all seriousness, he knew Grievous would be arrogant.
Why were they made?
Creator of the rule of two
Who was Darth Bane?
The real I'm your father quote.
"No, I am your father"
Why did Kylo lose to Rey?
Both plot armor and Kylo was wounded by Chewie.
Why was Grievous so weak?
No force and he's a cyborg so he's more speed than power.
Why did Beckett betray Han?
He wanted all the money
The Grandmaster at the time
Who was Bastilla Shan?
Was Han referring to Solo when he said that Him and Lando went "way back"
Yes, he was.
How did Palpatine live?
He was a clone.
Was Dooku going to expose Palpatine of Anakin waited a second longer?
Who created K2 and why?
The Empire made him to kill Rebels.
The only sith with a purple lightsaber
Who was Revan?
Why did the Ewoks get so much screen time?
Why did they copy the originals?
Disney thought everyone hated the prequels.
Why was Dooku's saber curved?
It works better for his form, Form II.
Why did Maul create Crimson Dawn?
He wanted his own empire.
The Yoda(Tridactyl)of the old republic
How was Luke able to beat Vader in Episode 6?
Luke was weaker going into the fight, but he got angry when Vader threatend Leia so Luke tapped into the dark side.
Why did Rey die after defeating Palpatine?
Her body could not stand all that power from the ghosts(that's just my guess).