The Homeworld of both Chancellor Palpatine and Padme Amidala
Where is Naboo?
This hairy alien species are the mortal enemies to the Trandoshans
Who are the Wookiees?
This droid model forms the backbone of the Separatist Army
What is the B1 Battle Droid?
Often referred to as "The Wise", this Sith Lord was the master of Darth Sidious
Who is Darth Plagueis the Wise?
Name the Supreme Commander of the Droid Armies
Who is General Grievous?
The desert planet where the Empire had its final battle with the Rebellion
Where is Jakku?
The technologically advanced race commonly referred to as the "Shadow People"
Who are the Umbarans?
The First Order used this weapon as their standard-issue blaster
What is the F-11 Blaster Rifle?
Name the coven of Force-sensitive Witches that reside on Dathomir
Who are the Nightsisters?
The Clone Wars started this number of years before A New Hope
What is 22 Years?
This planet is located within the Koboh Abyss Nebula. It is also MINE!
Where is Tanalorr?
The three-eyed amphibians native to the planet Bogano
What is an Oggdo?
The Tantive IV seen at the beginning of A New Hope is this model of ship
What is the CR90 Corvette?
This Sith Lord created the "Rule of Two" to keep infighting among the Sith to a minimum
Who is Darth Bane?
The rank of Clone Trooper identified by green armor markings during the Battle of Geonosis
What is a Sergeant?
This planet is the Homeworld of the Sith Order
Where is Korriban/Moraband?
Identify this animal
What is the Opee Sea Killer?
The TIE Line of starfighters were created by this corporation
What is Sienar Fleet Systems?
This is the rare ability to sense echoes through the Force
What is psychometry?
This Capital Ship was used on Geonosis to deploy Republic Armies to the planet's surface
What is the Acclamator-class Assault Ship?
The planet that acted as the capital of the New Republic by the time of The Force Awakens
Where is Hosnian Prime?
This alien species, which Coleman Trebor is a member of, bears a strong resemblance to Parasaurolophus
Who are the Vurk?
Identify this Droid Model
What is the LIN Demolitionmech Autonomous Minelayer?
There are five Jedi Council members who are seated in all three prequel movies. They are Yoda, Mace Windu, Plo Koon, Ki-Adi Mundi, and this character
Who is Saesee Tiin?
Name the General that led the Separatist forces during the Battle of Christophsis
Who is Whorm Loathsom?