The Chosen One
Anakin Skywalker
The Planet Where the Luke Skywalker Was Raised
The Weapon of a Jedi Knight
The Lightsaber
This Ship made the Kessel run in less than 12 Parsecs
The Millenium Falcon
The Turning point in the Rebellions Battle against the Empire
The Battle of Yavin
the Jedi Who Placed the Order for the Clone Army
Sifo Dias
The capital of the Galactic Republic & Empire
The Device used to Control the Clone Army
the Inhibitor Chips
The Ship Count Dooku used to make his escape From Geonosis
the Solar Sailer
The Massacre that ended the Jedi Order
Order 66
The Two Characters to be in Every Mainline Star Wars Movie
C-3PO & R2-D2
The Original Location of the Hondo & His Crew's Hideout
The Weapon meant for the Rightful Ruler of the Mandalorians
The Darksaber
Captain Rex accidentally called this Vehicle an AT-AT in the episode Cargo of Doom
The First Battle of the Clone Wars
The Battle Of Geonosis
The First and only Mandalorian Jedi & Creator of the Darksaber
Tarre Vizsla
The Home Planet of Darth Maul
Bounty hunter Cad Bane Broke into the Jedi Temple to retrieve what
a Jedi Holocron
The ship that Crashed into The Executor thus launching it into The 2nd Death Star
the Battle where Anakin Skywalker First Met his Padawan
the Battle of Christophsis
the Podracer Who's pod exploded at the beginning of the Boonta Eve Classic
Ben Quadinaros
The Location of the Birth of Luke & Leia
Polis Massa
The Weapon used by the leader of Clone Force 99
a Vibro-Knife
the Ship the Ghost crew take to replace the Phantom
Neimoidian shuttle
The Battle that marked the end of the Empire
the Battle of Jakku