1. Which planet is known as the "Red Planet"?
1. What is Mars?
6. Why does the pattern of stars in a constellation stay the same?
6. The stars are too far away (to see their movement).
11. Which BEST describes planets? A. It is a ball of hot gases. B. It moves in an orbit around a star.
11.B. It moves in an orbit around a star.
16. What do stars and planets have in common?
16. They both shine in the night sky and they both look like tiny lights.
21. Who was the first person to use a telescope to observe the stars?
21. Who is Galileo Galilei?
2. What is the hottest planet in the solar system?
2. What is Venus?
7. What color are the hottest stars?
7. What is blue?
12. What is the smallest planet in the solar system?
12. What is Mercury?
17. What are smaller in size, planets or stars?
17. What are planets?
22. Famous physicist who helped explain how gravity works.
22. Who is Albert Einstein?
3. What is the name of Earth's moon?
3. What is the Moon?
8. Why does the sun appear brighter to us than other stars?
8. It is closer to Earth than other stars.
13. What planet is the largest in the solar system?
13. What is Jupiter?
18. Which are made of hot gases that produce light, planets or stars?
18. What are stars?
23. What is the name of the closest star to Earth, after the Sun?
23. What is Proxima Centauri?
4.Which planet has the most rings?
4. What is Saturn?
9. What color star gives off the least amount of heat?
9. What is red?
14. What number planet is Earth from the Sun?
14. What is third?
19. Which creates patterns in the night sky, stars or planets?
19. What are stars?
24. This planet has a large moon named Titan.
24. What is Saturn?
5. Which planet is known for its " Great Dark Spot "?
5. What is Neptune?
10. How many stars can you see on a clear, dark night?
10. About 1,000.
15. Say the order of the planets from closest to the sun to the furthest from the sun.
15. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
20. Which are there more in number, stars or planets?
20. Stars
25. What is the name of the galaxy that contains our solar system?
25. What is the Milky Way?