What directions does gravity pull?
Down/ toward the center of the Earth
What is the name of the star closest to Earth?
The Sun
What powers a rover like Opportunity on other planets?
Solar energy
Which has more gravity - the Moon or Jupiter? & Why?
Jupiter because of it's massive size.
What is a scientist who studies outer space called?
How are mass and gravity related?
The more mass an object has, the more gravity it will have.
True or False - Gravity is the same on all planets.
What happens to the brightness of the Sun as a planet gets farther away?
It gets dimmer
Would you jump higher on a smaller planet or bigger planet?
What is a place with conditions where a living thing can survive?
Why is it difficult to send astronauts to other planets?
Long travel time and need for supplies
Why is life unlikely on Venus?
It is extremely hot and has a toxic atmosphere.
What is the center of our space neighborhood?
The Sun
Why does gravity vary on different planets?
The mass of the planet
What is the area around a star that is not too hot or too cold for liquid water to exist?
Goldilocks Zone
What objects are affected by Earth’s gravity?
All objects
How do rovers help scientists explore planets in our solar system?
Rovers are equipped with cameras and tools to collect data, take samples, and send information back to Earth. They can explore environments humans cannot access
If a spacecraft starts from Earth and travels toward Neptune, where will the Sun look the dimmest?
Who discovered gravity?
Isaac Newton
What is a planet that orbits a star outside of our solar system?
How can scientists know if there are planets orbiting stars in other solar systems?
They use computers to measure changes in a stars brightness.
What are some challenges of sending a rover to a distant planet?
Challenges include the long travel time, the need for durable materials, communication delays, and ensuring the rover can survive harsh planetary conditions
If a spacecraft starts from Earth and travels toward Neptune, where will the Sun look the brightest?
What did Isaac Newton discover about gravity?
It is a force that pulls objects toward the center of a planet.
What is the air that surrounds a planet?