Objects in Space
Things in the Sky
Capitals of Countries
Rational Numbers
Math Mystery Box

Why does a comet have a bright tail, but an asteroid doesn't?

Comets are rocky but also made of ice which sublimates (turns from solid -> gas) from the Sun's light.


What is the azimuth of the North star? Your answer must be within 5 degrees of its (average) azimuth.

355 degrees -> 360 degrees or a little past 0 degrees.


The capital of Canada is not its largest city. What is this capital, known for Parliament Hill and being bilingual in English and French?



Is this number a rational number? Why or why not?


It is NOT a rational number. While the decimals do go on forever (...), there is no repeating pattern of decimals. Therefore, it is not rational.

There are two perfect squares between 100 and 150. What are they?

121 (11x11 = 121) and 144 (12x12 = 144).


Fill in the blank: _____________ is the apparent motion of an object in the sky when it's viewed from two different places.


What is the altitude of a star that is directly overhead of you?

90 degrees


What is the capital of Japan, a bustling metropolis that is one of the most populous cities in the world and home to the famous Shibuya crossing?



Which of the following numbers are rational numbers?

0, -0.\bar6, 1/4, 5/0, 0.222...

All of the EXCEPT 


How many triangular faces are there on a triangle-based pyramid?

Fill in the blanks: If a Star A is closer to Earth than Star B, then Star A appears to move _____ than Star B throughout the year against the more distant background stars.

If a Star A is closer to Earth than Star B, then Star A appears to move MORE than Star B throughout the year against the more distant background stars.


What do we call the point directly above us in the sky?

The zenith point.


What is the capital of Egypt, known for being close to the famous pyramids of Giza and the Nile River?



Fill in the blank: The square root of 8 is NOT a rational number because the square root of _____________ are always irrational.


The square root of 8 is NOT a rational number because the square root of non-perfect squares are always irrational.


Without using a calculator, how much of a tip would you pay if you paid a 15% tip on a $50 dinner bill?

$7.50 in tip (10% of $50 = $5, 5% of $50 is half of that = $2.50, so in total 15% = $5 + $2.5 = $7.5).


The reason a star produces light and heat energy is because of a nuclear reaction in its core. 

This nuclear reaction, which stars by "squishing" or "combining" hydrogen atoms together to make helium, is referred to as nuclear _________.

Nuclear fusion


Stand directly in the center of the classroom. Now, estimate the azimuth and altitude of the clock. Your answer must be reasonable and accepted by Mr. Gazer!

...to be checked live!


What is the capital city of Australia, known for its many national monuments and not being Sydney or Melbourne, though many people think one of those two cities is the capital?



State a fraction that is between the two following rational numbers:

-1/10 and -2/5 

Let's assess the answer as a class!


If you added up all of the dots on all 6 sides of a die, what is the total? 

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 21


This galaxy is what type of galaxy?

Barred-spiral galaxy.


You only have 45 seconds. Send one group member to the board and draw a comet with a red marker in an elliptical orbit around the Sun. Draw the comet at 3 different places around the Sun and draw the comet's tail with a blue marker.

...to be checked live! 

- Comet tail must point away from Sun. 

- Sun must not be at the center of the orbit. 

- Tail should only be visible when reasonably close to the Sun, not when its far away.


The capital of Norway is known for its stunning fjords and being a hub for Viking history. What is this city?


Answer true/false to each of the following questions. You must get all 4 right to get the points.

a) The number 0 is a rational number.

b) The number -0.15 is an integer.

c) All numbers with decimals are irrational numbers.

d) All negative numbers are integers

a) [TRUE] The number 0 is a rational number.

b) [FALSE] The number -0.15 is an integer.

c) [FALSE] All numbers with decimals are irrational numbers.

d) [FALSE] All negative numbers are integers


Divide the following fractions:

-2/3 \div 2/3

-2/3 \div 2/3 =

