This fruit is Long, Yellow, and comes from a palm.
A Banana
If you're hangry eat this...
A Snicker Bar
Come on down to Boardwalk and Park Place
These two colors make green
Blue and Yellow
Hola !
What is red, green, yellow, round and sweet?
An Apple
Forget about the Leprachon at the end of the rainbow, there's a bucket of this candy...
KING ME !! is a quote from this game
This is at the end of a rainbow.
Pot of GOLD
Can you name 3 vegetable that start with the letter C?
Cabbage, Carrot, Cassava, Cauliflower, Celery, Corn, Collards, Cucumber
A "stupid" lollipop
Dum Dum
It might sound harsh but we promise no Cats were harmed making this card game.
Exploding Kittens
Dorothy follows this color road in the Wizard of Oz
Yellow Brick Road
Asalaam alaikum (Peace be upon you)
These 2 Fruits are both big and round, yet different. If you take away the "agua' from the front of one of them they are the same.
Watermelon and Melon
"agua"- water
Mars and Murrie are yellow, red, green, blue, brown, and orange. Name this candy
Do not lie and Be Brave
Truth or Dare
Royal and Orchid are shades of this color
Selamat Siang
The difference between fruit and vegetables
Fruit - grow in trees
Vegetables- grow in plants/ in ground
This Candy Bar was claimed to be named after of the U.S President Grover Cleveland's children?
Baby Ruth
If a Zebra is chased by a tiger, you might see these 3 colors
Black, White, Orange
I might hear Guten Tag ! in this country