What type of bat do MLB players have to swing?
What are wood bats
WHo invented the game of Basketball?
Who was James Naismith?
When was the first football game?
what is November 1969.
What years was the first ever indoor hockey game?
What is 1875
How many different shots are there in soccer?
What is 6.
What number is first base in the book?
What is 3.
How many players are allowed to be on the court for one team?
What is 5 players.
how long was football's longest game?
What was 82 minutes and 40 seconds.
What team has the most stanley cup wins?
What is Montreal Canadiens
How many positions are there in soccer?
What is 11
How many picks were in the MLB draft?
What was 614
When was the first time Basketball was played in the Olympics?
What was in 1936 at Berlin, Germany.
What was football known for in early America?
What was a Highly Deadly Sport
Who is NHL’s top scorer?
What is Wayne Gretzky.
What is soccer considered around the world?
What is The most popular game in the world.
How many baseball teams are in California?
What is 5 teams
What was the most points to ever be scored in one game by one person?
What was 100 points by wilt Chamberlain in 1962
How heavy was the heaviest football player?
What is 379 lbs
What hockey event was considered one of the top sport moments?
What was the miracle on ice.
what is soccer called in other countries?
what is football?
How many states do not have a baseball team?
What is 33 states.
What ball was used for basketball in the early 1900s?
what was with a soccer ball with laces on only one side of the ball
How tall was the tallest football player?
what is 7 feet tall.
How much pounds can a hockey player lose a game?
what is 5-8 pounds
What is soccer played on?
What is a grassy field called a pitch.