What old Man introduces Luke to the force?
Obi Wan
Who was Darth Vader before he fell to the dark side?
Who says "you may fire when ready" at the destruction of Alderaan?
What planet do Luke and Anakin come from?
What weapons are used by the jedi?
Who was Count Dooku's master?
Master Yoda
Who created Snoke?
Palpatien, or the emperor
Who says the line "You are part of the rebel alliance and a traitor" in 4?
Darth Vader
What planet serves as the capital of the galactic republic?
What is the name of the superweapon in episode 7?
Starkiller base
Who used to be a janitor?
Who provided the genetic template for the clone army?
Jango Fet
Who says "Thats not how the force works"?
hint episode 7
Han solo
What ice planet does the rebel alliance hide on?
What color is the lightsaber that Luke builds?
What 2 characters appear in all 9 movies?
R-2 and 3PO
Which imperial leader held the title moff?
Who says "Do it"?
What planet do you need a wayfinder to get to?
What are the guns on stardestroyers called?
turbo lasers
Who was the original owner of the millennium Falcon?
Which viceroy blockaded Naboo?
Nute Gunray
The line "I've got a bad feeling about this" has appeared in every starwars movie, name 4 that have said the line.
Bonus of 200 points for every extra that can be named
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia, C-3PO, BB-8, Lando Calrissian.
Where is general Grevious killed?
What weapon does Luke destroy the death star with?
proton torpedos