This country traditionally gives London the Christmas tree for Trafalgar Square each year.
Mr Grinch, a smoker who has a background of hypertension, presents with a sudden onset headache and slurred speech. Differential is?
🤫 🌚
Silent Night
Relative social or professional position; standing.
In the USA in 2018, 14,700 people ended up in A+E in November and December from doing this.
Putting up Christmas decorations
Santa Clause cut his shin on the sleigh 2months ago now and its still not fully healed. Mrs Clause has been getting mad because he is up 4x each night to urinate. She reminds him to go easy on the snacks this xmas and be mindful of this condition his doctor told him he has.
Type 2 Diabetes.
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Little Drummer Boy
A place on a railway line where trains regularly stop so that passengers can get on or off
Jingle bells was the first song played where
Kevin Mcallister has been spending a lot of time alone recently. He lacks energy and no longer enjoys any of his hobbies. On your virtual consult you are suspicious of what condition?
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Jingle Bell Rock
Monitors and maintains a comfortable temperature in your house
In Japan, people eat here on Christmas day
Good King Wenceslas had a big Christmas feast but suffered for it the weeks following with a flare up of this condition leaving him with swollen ankles and knees making it hard to walk.
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Driving Home for Christmas
Restore (someone or something) to their former position
These represented the number 8 in the song Twelve Days of Christmas
8 Maids a Milking
Frosty the Snowman presents with Excessive sweating, confusion, cramps in the arms, legs and stomach and nausea and vomiting. Differential?
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Hark the Herald Angels Sing
To carry a fetus in the womb from conception to birth.