General Housekeeping
Fire and Safety
Quality Assurance
Hand Hygeine
Medication Administration

How can you identify that equipment in a patient room is clean?

When the room is marked as clean on the trackboard all contents in the room are considered clean.


What number do we call for all emergencies such as Code Red and Code Blue?

88. You get the operator and provide them with the emergency code, NBI and room/area location. Always have operator repeat information for ensure accuracy.


Name 3 things we monitor for quality in the ED Monthly?

Metrics, Stroke Metrics, STEMI Metrics, Get with the Guidelines Cardiac Arrest and RSI, Narcan Usage, Sepsis measures, High risk metrics such as LWBS or AMA, Patient Satisfaction Measures, State Hand Hygiene and other monitoring measures, Intellishelf compliance, Opioid Taskforce and Narcotic count compliance, Patient safety measures and vital sign compliance, Pain assessment and reassessment compliance. 


Name 3 times you should wash your hands?

When entering patient rooms, When exiting patient rooms. Before and after procedures, In between multiple procedures, When visible soiled.


If medication is drawn up outside the bedside what should occur before leaving medication room with medication?

Medication must be labeled with patient name, medication name, route, and dose. If drawn up at bedside medication does not require labeling. 


All patient equipment that can be plugged into the wall should have what located on it? 

Biomed Inspection sticker and date. 


The Fire Alarm goes off what do we do?

Go to panel to determine location, Call 88, Provide operator with NBI Location of Fire alarm and allow repeat back for accuracy. 


What is the nurse's responsibility if the patient fires for Sepsis and has a known or potential source of infection?

Initialte the Sepsis protocol (blood cultures and lactic), Provider notification, Initiate the sepsis form, communicate at transition of care what measures have been initiated, completed, and are still pending?


You have a patient with C-Diff, what do you use to wash your hands?

Soap not alcohol


When should you use the scanning capability when administering medication?

At all times 


What are the Dwell (Wet) times for Santi Cloth Wipes?

2 minutes


What does R A C E stand for?

The RACE acronym simply stands for: Remove, Alarm/Alert, Confine, Extinguish/Evacuate.


What are three indicators that trigger the requirement for the initiation of 30 cc/kg IVF bolus for the patient with septic shock?

SBP < 90, MAP < 60, or lactic acid > = 4.0


When should you wash patient equipment?

After each patient use, When exiting room (WOWs) Whenever visibly soiled, When cleaning room


When pulling a medication dose greater than assigned dose, what is the recommended time frame for wasting medication?

Immediately upon pull when possible, if titrating or repeated dose expected medication should be held no greater than 1 hour. 


How often are Blood Pressure cuffs changed out in the Emergency Department?

Weekly. On Fridays all open cuffs are thrown away and replaced or when visibly soiled or contaminated. 


What does P A S S acronym stand for?

The PASS technique is a feature of basic fire extinguisher safety. PASS is an acronym that stands for: Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep.


Patient presents with signs of a stroke within tPA and or interventional window. What is the priority for this patient and what time frames are expected?

CT of Brain without contrast, completed within 24 minutes of arrival and reported out within 45 minutes


How long should you clean your hands?

20 seconds


What is a common cause for Malignant Hypertension and what is the antidote?




How often are disposable patient room curtains changed for the emergency department. 

Monthly or whenever visibly soiled or contaminated.


Doing EOC and Safety Rounds, what do you look for in front of Fire alarm Pull Stations and Fire Hydrant Stations?

That they are clear with nothing obstructing or blocking access to them. 


What is the minimal expected timeframe for vital sign assessment in the ED for the following: General length of stay, While out in waiting area, prior to discharge, and prior to transition of care such as admit or transfer?

General length of stay Every 2 Hours, 

While out in waiting area every 1 hour

Prior to discharge within 1 hour

Prior to transition of care such as admit or transfer 30 minutes (sooner if possible)


Why is it against policy for acrylic or artificial nails?

Nails can break off cause potential foreign body and also cause significant potential for cross contamination and increase potential of hospital acquired infection. 


What are two drugs that require dual sign off?

Insulin, Heparin gtts, Blood administration, Pediatric medications
