Reading Literature
Reading Information
Writing Persuasively
Writing Informatively

Read the text.

Edward waited anxiously by his window, peering up and down the village lane. He searched every direction, but only an empty blue sky stretched over the kingdom. Still no birds.

His two younger sisters burst into his room.

"Isn't it here yet?" cried Lily.

"Not yet," sighed Edward, wiping his sweaty hands on his shirt. It was impossible to know exactly when the seer would arrive at each house on Selection Day; it had to deliver a scroll to each of the village's twelve-year-olds.

"I can't wait to find out what your job will be!" beamed Mila.

"Hopefully you'll be a village farmer, just like Father," added Lily, bouncing on her feet. "Then you would get to stay right here with us!"

Edward raised his eyebrows. He had hoped, as many children do, to be chosen to serve the kingdom as a knight. But looking at his eager younger sisters, he felt his stomach drop. The castle was far away, and if he were to be called away to train with Sir Maquette, he doubted that he would be able to return for the fall harvest.

Are Lily and Mila old enough to help Father in the fields? he wondered. And even if they are, what of their education? Would they have to stop going to school if I leave?

A heavy flap of wings shattered his thoughts. An enormous golden hawk soared towards Edward's window, carrying something in its talons: a rolled scroll tied with a blue ribbon and marked with the official seal of the castle.

What is likely true about Edward's obligations to his family?

a. Edward is responsible for tutoring his younger sisters.

b. Edward's father has placed a great deal of pressure on him to become a knight.

c. Edward plays a significant role in helping his father with farm labor.

c. Edward plays a significant role in helping his father with farm labor.


Making inferences means making an educated guess based upon the evidence available.  What can the reader infer about the purpose of cooling the scalded milk?


a. It makes it hot enough for a skin to form over the top.

b. It makes the dough easier to handle.

c. It makes the rolls bake faster.




  • ¼ cup warm water (not hot—110°F to 115°F)
  • 1 package active dry yeast
  • ¾ cup lukewarm milk*
  • ¼ cup sugar
  • 1 egg
  • ¼ cup shortening
  • 3 cups all-purpose flour
  • butter, softened
  • cinnamon, for sprinkling

*Scald milk by bringing it to a temperature just below boiling point until a skin forms on the top; then cool milk to lukewarm (to destroy enzymes that make dough sticky and difficult to work with).

b. It makes the dough easier to handle.


Read the claim below.

Developed countries should try to reduce the amount of oil they use.

Select the piece of evidence that best supports this claim.

a. Oil companies employ many geologists, who use their knowledge of the earth to locate oil deposits.

b. Sources of renewable energy, such as solar power and wind power, remain far more expensive than oil.

c. Oil is a nonrenewable resource that is getting harder to find even as the world's demand for it escalates.

c. Oil is a nonrenewable resource that is getting harder to find even as the world's demand for it escalates.


When introducing a paper, what are some of the ways a writer could hook their audience in?

a. The writer could share a surprising fact that's related to the topic.

b. The writer could ask a question.

c. The writer could tell a short story that's related to the topic.

d. All of the above.

d. All of the above.


True or False?


Analyzing information is the act of examining the details, or in other words, "picking it apart".


a. True

b. False

a. True - If an essay prompt asks you to analyze something, it means pick it apart. Example: Analyze the challenges of being a refugee. (You had to inform the audience about several different challenges.


Read the following story.

The Presentation

For the final exam, instead of a written test, everyone will be required to give a ten-minute presentation on one of the science topics we covered this year, Mr. Marx announced.

Angela felt her stomach twist into anxious knots. When Mr. Marx passed around a sign-up sheet, Angela chose the topic of tadpoles, but also made sure she picked the very last time slot for presentation days. She wanted to put as much distance as possible between now and the moment she would have to speak in front of the class.

Angela began having trouble sleeping at night. She dreamed of failing the final exam not because she didn't know the material, but because she froze and forgot her speech. Every classmate's presentation she watched meant she was one step closer to having to present herself.

When the day arrived, Angela couldn't eat breakfast, and she had to get through math and history before science. She couldn't concentrate at all.

Her heart pounded as Mr. Marx called her name. She gathered her notecards with shaking hands and slowly walked to the front of the room.

"Tadpoles," she began, "are frogs or toads at the beginning of their life cycle."

Whew, she thought. The first sentence came out.

Then, something happened that she did not expect at all. She relaxed. Once she began, the words flowed out. She could see Mr. Marx start to smile and nod encouragingly. After weeks of dreading this moment, she couldn't believe how quickly the presentation passed.

"So," she said brightly, after her presentation concluded. "Does anyone have any questions about tadpoles?"

Which of the following best describes the main theme or lesson of the story?

a. Waiting to do something can be worse than actually doing it.

b. Knowing about something can be freeing.

a. Waiting to do something can be worse than actually doing it.


True or False? The central/main idea of a passage is most often found in the title, the first few sentences of a passage or the concluding section.


a. True

b. False

a. True - Titles give the central idea of the whole text. Topic sentences state the central idea of paragraphs. Conclusion sentences reiterate the central idea of paragraphs.


What appears to be the thesis statement of this introduction paragraph?

"1) It is scientifically proven that using technology too much affects the way we think. 2) If someone is juggling e-mails, phone calls and other incoming information, they can lose focus. 3) Teenagers use more technology than most other age groups.  4) To fight technology addiction that can cause brain-altering, Kenton Middle School should participate in “Shut Down Your Screen” week, which is a program where kids in school and out of school don't use any electronics for one week."


a. Sentence 1


b. Sentence 2


c. Sentence 4

c. Sentence 4


Which of the following is NOT a good way to introduce evidence?


a. The text states,

b. The author writes,

c. "Four thousand people die each year."

c. "Four thousand people die each year."


In what point of view is this passage written:  


You can wait in here and make yourself at home.


a. 1st

b. 2nd

c. 3rd

b. 2nd


Story elements include things like setting, character, plot, conflict and theme. How might a setting of a dark, rainy night impact the plot of a story?


a. It foreshadows that bright and happy events will occur.

b. It is proof that the story includes death.

c. It foreshadows that dark and/or scary events will occur.

c. It foreshadows that dark and/or scary events will occur.


Read the passage.

Roach Robots to the Rescue

When buildings collapse, it is extremely difficult to safely locate and rescue people trapped inside. Victims may be wedged into small spaces, and unstable rubble could collapse on rescue workers. An alternative to human rescue workers may be robotic cockroaches. Real cockroaches are protected by strong yet flexible exoskeletons. They can also flatten their bodies through tiny cracks. A robotics researcher from Harvard University and a biomechanics expert from the University of California, Berkeley, were inspired to create mini robots that have the same features. The roach robots can squeeze through small spaces and skitter over unstable environments. Fitted with cameras and microphones, they could be used in disasters to locate victims.

What is the main idea of the passage?

a. It is dangerous to search inside collapsed buildings, but cockroach-like robots can go places where human searchers can't or shouldn't.

b. Cockroach-like robots can fit through small cracks and move through unstable rubble.

c. Inspired by the strength and quickness of cockroaches, researchers created robots with the same characteristics.

a. It is dangerous to search inside collapsed buildings, but cockroach-like robots can go places where human searchers can't or shouldn't.


Which of the following is the best counterclaim for this claim: 

Teenagers younger than 16 should not be allowed to have cell phones.


a. Many believe responsible teenagers should be allowed to have cell phones, even if they're under 16.

b. A common argument is responsible teenagers should be allowed to have cell phones.

c. Some people think children older than 13 should be allowed to have cell phones.

a. Many believe responsible teenagers should be allowed to have cell phones, even if they're under 16.


Which of the following is NOT an organizational structure a writer may use to set up their informative essay?


a. Definition

b. Cause/Effect

c. Dialogue between characters

d. Compare and contrast

c. Dialogue between characters


Identify the domain-specific vocabulary in the following passage:


A rocket lights propellant.  That fuel expands as it burns. The massive force of
the burning fuel is directed through a nozzle at the back of the rocket.


a. rocket, fuel

b. propellant, nozzle

c. lights, force

b. propellant, nozzle


Read this excerpt from a poem about the Dust Bowl.

I sensed it before I knew it was coming.

I heard it,

smelled it,

tasted it.


How does the structure of this stanza reflect its meaning?

a. The long line followed by short ones slows the pace of the poem.

b. The short stanza reflects the amount of dust that will arrive.

c. The short lines illustrate the sense of suspense.

d. The commas show the speaker's uncertainty.

c. The short lines illustrate the sense of suspense.


Author's Perspective:

"Students express themselves by how they dress. They wear clothes that signal their tastes, style, and, mostly, their personalities. If they are required to wear uniforms every day, it would suggest that all students are alike. This is far from the truth. Each student is unique, and this fact should not be hidden underneath a uniform. It’s during the students’ youth that they develop their personal style, which shows the world who they are and who they will be. If the opportunity to express themselves through what they wear each day is taken away, they will be cheated out of this necessary part of growing up."


With with answer would the author of this passage agree?

a. Providing students with the opportunity to express themselves is an important part of their education.

 b. If students have to wear uniforms to school, they will be able to dress the way they want after school and on weekends. c. The uniforms that students will be required to wear need to be very fashionable to keep students happy.

a. Providing students with the opportunity to express themselves is an important part of their education


Writer 1: Students should have multiple lunch options in the cafeteria.

Writer 2: Students can pack lunches if they don't like what's being served in the cafeteria.

Which of the following is the best counterargument for writer 1?


a. Sometimes, students and families forget to pack, and if a student has an allergy to the only food option, they won't be able to eat that day.

b. Sometimes, students and families forget to pack. Eating a food you don't like is no fun.

c. Students may have allergies to some foods.

a. Sometimes, students and families forget to pack, and if a student has an allergy to the only food option, they won't be able to eat that day.


Your thesis statement is the central claim that you intend to argue in your essay. It tells readers your opinion on a topic. A thesis statement is often the answer to a research question, supported with facts.

Which of the following is a thesis statement?

a. Athletic programs that receive government funding provide better athletes than other programs do.

b. The effectiveness of having athletes raise money for their programs will be addressed in the following paragraphs.

a. Athletic programs that receive government funding provide better athletes than other programs do.


Trace the argument in this article.

The Smart Snacking Choice

Homemade oatmeal cookies are not only a better snack option than a candy bar or pack of crackers, they are actually good for you. While processed foods strip the nutrients out during processing, homemade treats keep the nutrients in. One one‐ounce, homemade oatmeal cookie will give you up to 27 mg of folate―6% of your daily recommended allowance (RDA)―a B vitamin that your body uses to make energy. It will also give you small amounts of vitamin A and vitamin K. Oatmeal cookies are also a good source of iron. A one‐ounce, homemade oatmeal cookie contains .70 mg of iron―9% of the RDA for men and 4% of the RDA for women. It also contains small amounts of potassium and zinc. Finally, oatmeal cookies are a great source of fiber. A one‐ounce, homemade oatmeal cookie will give you a whole gram of soluble fiber, which reduces “bad” cholesterol and lowers your risk of heart disease. Soluble fiber also helps regulate your blood sugar. So the next time you have a sweet tooth, don’t try to talk yourself out of it. Simply make the smart choice, and have an oatmeal cookie!

What is the author’s purpose in writing this article?

A. To provide nutritional information about oatmeal cookies.

B. To convince people to eat oatmeal cookies.

C. To prove processed food isn’t healthy.

B. To convince people to eat oatmeal cookies.


Which sentence best summarizes the author's point of view about FastFood's delivery service?

I think we can all agree that one of the best things about the modern world is the ability to order food from the comfort of your couch. If you're using a delivery service like FastFood, your food appears at your doorstep as if it were magic. Sure, there's a steep fee for deliver. But that's nothing compared to the priceless luxury of being able to get burgers, pizza, or egg rolls while wearing pajamas.

Even magic sometimes falters, so I don't hold it against FastFood when my order is incorrect. For example, last week, my order of mac and cheese turned up as lentil soup, but no big deal. And I realize that the drivers often run a little behind, so if my food arrives cold, it doesn't upset me. I'm just thankful that there are services like FastFood to deliver my taco salad so I don't have to go out and leave my cozy couch.

a. The level of service provided by FastFood does not warrant the costly delivery fees.

b. The benefits of getting food delivered outweigh the problems experienced with orders.

c. While getting food delivered can be a hassle, it's a cheap alternative to making it yourself.

b. The benefits of getting food delivered outweigh the problems experienced with orders.


Cause & Effect: Read the passage. 

Additionally, the country's banking system was in crisis. President Rooselvelt determined that more paper money needed to be printed to aid the economy, but he could not simply order money to be produced. Back then, banks had to keep a supply of gold that could be exchanged to people for dollars. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 required that the U.S. central bank keep, in reserve, about forty cents worth of gold for every dollar it issued. Because of the Depression, the central bank no longer had enough gold in reserve to produce more paper money.

Based on the text, why couldn't dollars be printed during the Depression?

a. because the manufacturing process cost forty cents per dollar

b. because there was not enough gold in the central bank

c. because the Depression had led to the Federal Reserve Act

b. because there was not enough gold in the central bank


Choose the best transition from this claim:

Vegetarians have a lower instance of heart disease than meat eaters.  

A. Furthermore, studies have shown that becoming vegetarian can even reverse heart disease.

B. On the other hand, studies have shown that becoming vegetarian can even reverse heart disease.

C. For instance, studies have shown that becoming vegetarian can even reverse heart disease.

A. Furthermore, studies have shown that becoming vegetarian can even reverse heart disease.


Below is a paragraph about an ancient Mesoamerican chocolate drink. Select the sentence that should be removed to improve the focus of the paragraph.

The sweet hot cocoa that we enjoy today is far removed from its origins in ancient Mesoamerica. Early versions of the drink were created by roasting and crushing beans from the cacao tree, then mixing them with water, chili peppers, vanilla, and other spices. Froth was then added to the beverage by pouring it back and forth between clay cups. The Mayans called the resulting drink xocolatl (pronounced show-koh-LATL), which translates to "bitter water". This deep brown liquid played a central role in the cultures of the Mayans and the Aztecs, who incorporated it into funerals, marraiges, and initiation rituals. Many centuries later, the chocolate bar was invited in Europe. The Mayans believed that xocoltal held healing powers and could even provide warriors with strength and bravery in battle.

a. Early versions of the drink were created by roasting and crushing beans from the cacao tree, then mixing them with water, chili peppers, vanilla, and other spices.

b. The Mayans called the resulting drink xocolatl (pronounced show-koh-LATL), which translates to "bitter water".

c. Many centuries later, the chocolate bar was invited in Europe.

c. Many centuries later, the chocolate bar was invited in Europe.


Help this writer organize their thoughts. Below are 2 points a journalist would like to include in a news story about Summerfield's new fire chief. Where would detail 2 fit best?

Detail 1 - Clayton Castro, who has served as Allenville's fire chief for fourteen years, has been selected as Summerfield's next fire chief.

Detail 2 - Mabel Joseph, Summerfield's first female fire chief, announced her retirement earlier this year and will leave next month.

a. A section about the current fire chief

b. A section about the new fire chief

a. A section about the current fire chief
