School uniforms
Banning Junk Food
Social Media

School uniforms can be too expensive.


Students should not be required (not have to) to wear uniforms to school. The author wrote, "School uniforms are too expensive too expensive."


The rate of obesity in the United States has risen dramatically.


Junk food is not healthy for you and should be banned. The author states, " the rate of obesity in the United State has risen..." 


"Bullying has become easier with peers and adults able to create anonymous accounts and target their victims."


There are negative effects of using social media. The internet has made bullying much easier. Students and adults are able to create fake accounts to bully people online. 

Using social media can be harmful. The according to the text, "Bullying has become easier with peer and adults..."


"Development of communication and language skills in children begins early on during their infancy and continues throughout their first several years of life. This is the time the developing brain is most effective at creating neurological connections that support learning of a language and allow the child to communicate effectively using words, gestures and facial expressions. Television can cause interruption of this important process during a child’s formative years leading to delayed or incomplete acquisition of verbal skills."


Television has negative implications (effects) on child development. In paragraph ____ the author states During the first several years of a Childs life, the brain creates neurological connections. These confections help children to learn how to communicate effectively..."


 "Playing instruments and adding movement to the lessons teaches children about sequential learning which is essential in reading comprehension."


Playing instruments can be extremely beneficial. Children learn sequential learning by playing instruments. Sequential learning is important for reading comprehension.


"Many students feel that they are judged according to what they wear by other students as well as by teachers and administrators"


"There are benefits to wearing school uniforms. Students sometimes feel they are judged by what they are wearing by their peers, teachers and administrators..."


"If junk foods are banned, kids will still eat junk food while in school. Instead of getting it from the school vending machines, they'll sneak it in."


Junk food should not be banned from schools. Children will find other ways to get it. According to the text, If junk food are banned, kids will still eat junk food while in School..." 


Spending time online is important for the younger generation to pick up necessary technical skills they will need to navigate their way through the future.


social media has positive affects on children... 

social media is not harmful....


People who watch a lot of TV have been shown to have an increased predilection towards violence and aggression.


TV has negative effects on children...


"For instance, when dancing and moving to music, children develop better motor skills whereas singing along to a song helps them to practice their singing voice."


Music is an important part of child development..

Music is beneficial...

Music helps children learn...


School uniforms can create unity and a sense of community within a school.


There are advantages to wearing school uniforms. The author write in paragraphs 5, that uniforms can create a sense of unity and community in school.


"If junk foods are consumed in schools, this may cause kids to continue to eat a poor diet as adults."

Claim: Junk food should be banned. According to the text..


"Not only is social media a tool to communicate, but it is also an important part of the lives of adolescents and young adults. It gives them an avenue to stay connected with their peers from sports teams, activity clubs, and classes, while also allowing them to network with others having similar interests."


Social media is not harmful

Social media is beneficial for children to use


People who habitually watch TV everyday may find themselves experiencing withdrawal symptoms like anxiety and irritability when they fail to watch their favourite program.


TV has negative affects on chidlren


This means that, like language development, toddlers develop their musical skills through imitating and memorising rhythms and tones of songs such as clapping to a beat and singing in tune


Music is important 

Music helps children develop necessary skills


"Students who are forced to wear uniforms will only find other, less appropriate ways to express themselves, possibly through the inappropriate use of makeup and jewelry."


Students should not be required to wear uniforms

School uniforms limit self expression/creativity


"Therefore, an improved diet from a junk food ban in school could help to reduce one's risk of developing heart disease."

claim: Junk food should be banned

"Social media gives introverted kids the chance to open up over the internet, giving them a boost of confidence."


Social media is not harmful for children

Children benefit from the use to social media


"This is the time the developing brain is most effective at creating neurological connections that support learning of a language and allow the child to communicate effectively using words, gestures and facial expressions. Television can cause interruption of this important process..."


TV has negative effects on children and the brain


esearchers in the 1990s showed that the exposure to music from early childhood onwards helps children to speak more clearly, develop a larger vocabulary, and strengthen social and emotional skills.


There are several positive benefits of listening to music


"students who wear school uniforms behave more appropriately in the school environment"


Students should be required to wear school unforms

School unforms are beneficial


"Furthermore, healthier food tends to be more expensive."

claim: Junk food should not be banned


"Psychologists have long observed bad effects of social media on the mental health of children. One finding suggests that children spending more than three hours a day on social media are twice as likely to suffer from poor mental health"


Social media is harmful for children

Children should not use social media


"There are also channels that are exclusively educational that increase our knowledge about the world around us. PBS and Discovery are just a few of the educational channels available."


There are advantages to watching Television


"This way music is not only a tool that contributes to the growth and development of a child but it also helps the family to spend quality time and have fun."


Listening to music is beneficial 
