State Abbreviations
Film Directors
State Facts
Observation Round 1
Observation Round 2
The abbreviation of the state that has a "z" in its name is....
What is Arizona? (AZ)

This 3 time academy award winning director was born on December 18, 1946.  His first movie was "The Sugarland Express" released in 1974 and suffered from Dyslexia most of his life. Collectively his films have made more than $10.1 billion dollars worldwide.

Who is Steven Spielberg


How did the Ford Mustang get it’s name? 

 A. Herd of Wild Horses 

B. WWII Fighter Plane 

C. Henry Ford’s Wife 

D. Play on words for Horsepower 

What is B.  Ford executive stylist John Najjar is credited with naming the Mustang. Najjar was said to be a fan of the WWII-winning P-51 Mustang fighter plane, thus using the powerful moniker for Ford’s iconic and first of the Pony cars.

This state begins with O and ends with O....
What is Ohio? (OH)

Watch this video first.

What does the sign say on the front of the subway in the beginning of the movie?  What is it's destination?  Hint: It's a city in CA.

What is Los Angeles


What color is the detective car that Samuel Jackson "Fury" is driving?

What is grey


The abbreviation of the state west (to the left) of Texas is....

What is New Mexico? (NM)


This director was born on November 30th, 1937 in England.   His most notable films include "Alien", "Black Hawk Down", "Thelma and Louse", "Gladiator" and "The Martian"

Who is Ridley Scott


What is the worlds largest automotive company? 

 A. Volkswagen Group 

B. General Motors 

C. Ford Motors 

D. Toyota Motor

Answer D.  Toyota is the worlds largest automaker followed by General Motors who just recently ranked ahead of Volkswagen Group.  The Toyota Corolla remains the best selling car in the world with 1.02 million units sold.  


Nashville is the capital of this state.

What is Tennessee. (TN)


What color is the sweater the grandma is wearing on the subway who is an alien?

What is pink


When sitting in the restaurant, is "Fury" wearing a tie?  yes or no?

What is yes

The abbreviation of the State where people love to gamble is ....

What is Nevada? (NV)


This director was born in 1928 and died in 1999.  He is best known for movies such as "Dr. Strangelove", "A Clockwork Orange", "2001: A Space Odyssey", "The Shining" and "Full Metal Jacket"

Who is Stanley Kubrick


What company opened up the first drive-in gas station? 

A. Mobile 

B. Exxon 

C. Shell 

D. Gulf

Answer E.  Gulf opened up the first station in Pittsburg, PA in 1913.  


The abbreviation of the state that is known for the famous annual horse race known as the Derby is....

What is Kentucky? (KY)


What are the two colors of Captain Marvel's uniform in the beginning of the movie?

What is blue and black

Who created the legendary Marvel comic book heroes?  He sadly passed away in 2018 at the age of 95.

Who is Stan Lee.  Did you know: In August 2009, The Walt Disney Company bought Marvel for $4 billion. Stan did not see a huge financial gain from this sale, but Disney did agree to continue paying him a lifetime annual salary of $1 million. 


The abbreviation of the State north of California is....

What is Oregon? (OR)


This director was born in 1899 and died in 1980.  Some of the movies he is best know for are "The Birds", "Strangers on a Train", "Rear Window", Psycho" and "Vertigo"

Who is Alfred Hitchcock


What was the last automaker to offer cassette players in their vehicles?  

A. Ford 

B. Lexus 

C. Honda 

D. Chevrolet

Answer A.  While the Lexus SC430 came with a standard cassette player until 2010, the very last car to be able to play cassettes was the Ford Crown Vic, which still had an optional player in 2011. 


This state is known for its "Steelers"

What is Pennsylvania? (PA)


What color is the blood coming out of Captain Marvel's nose in the beginning?  Red or Blue?

What is Blue


When Fury and Captain Marvel are in the records room, what time is it on the clock?

What is 1:55 pm


This state begins with the letter "A" and every other letter is also an "A"

What is  Alabama?


This director was born in 1939 and is best known for his series that included Marlon Brando and Al Pacino.  Other movies included "Patton", "Apocalypse Now" and "Dracula"

Who is Francis Ford Coppola


What was Henry Ford most famous for?  

 A. Inventing the Automobile  

B. Inventing Combustion Engines  

C. Development of the assembly line used in mass production  

D. Development of the Ford Mustang


Answer C.  The “Model-T” was the first car to be mass-produced. Henry Ford introduced the assembly line in December of 1908, and as a result he was not only able to mass-produce the Model-T, but was able to offer it to his customers at a much lower price than the competition. By 1913, Ford was producing half of all cars sold in the United States, and by 1927, he had sold more than 15 million Model-Ts!


What is the abbreviation for the smallest state in the union?

What is Rhode Island (RI)


When Captain Marvel is on earth sitting in a fighter jet and looks over at her friend, what is the friend's nickname on her fighter jet?

What is Maria "Photon" Rambeau


What is the first name on the dog tag that Captain Marvel holds towards the end of the clip?

What is Carol
