New England
The South
The Southeast
Great Lakes
In 1614 a Dutch explorer connected this region to a city in England. The capital of this state was named Hartford, just like the English city.
What is Connecticut?
It was not Mary, but Pocahontas who saved Captain John Smith’s life when he was captured by Indians in the area that is now Annapolis, the capital city of this state.
What is Maryland?
Pierre Le Moyne, Sieur d'Iberville is responsible for this city's name. While traveling up the Mississippi he discovered a 30 foot tall red stick or pole along the river bank. This red stick was a territory marker used by the native american tribes to indicate the extent of their hunting grounds. D'Iberville called used the French translation of “Red Stick” to name the capital city of Louisiana.
What is Louisiana?
My brother Ken is taking his horse Tuck to run in the nation’s oldest derby. Hopefully they will be able to find a room in the capital city of Frankfort, and not have to stay in one of the world’s largest caves.
What is Kentucky?
You won’t hear noise in Springfield, the quiet capital city of this state.
What is Illinois?
The roads to this state’s capital city, Providence, may be lined with red chickens, this state’s bird.
What is Rhode Island?
I wonder if my friend Dell is aware that Henry Hudson once explored the area that is now this state’s capital, Dover.
What is Delaware?
Spaniards explored this area and eventually claimed the area for King George. Some say the capital city was named after a Greek goddess, but we all know that Atlanta was a mere mortal.
What is Georgia?
Giovanni de Verrazano established the first American settlement at Roanoke Island and then traveled north to Raleigh, this state’s capital.
What is North Carolina?
I wonder if Dr. Jones helped the French discover the capital city of this state. The name for this city is the state name with polis, the Greek word for city.
What is Indiana?
The main idea of French explorers was to establish a permanent settlement near this capital city of Augusta.
What is Maine?
Many people believe that New York if the capital city of New York, but we know that this city if really the star.
What is Albany?
Ponce de Leon explored this floral region looking for the legendary fountain of youth. Unfortunately all he found was a bunch of old fields and used the Indian name for them, Tallahassee, as the name for the capital city.
What is Florida?
I wonder if Hernando de Soto of Spain could have imagined that the 42nd president of the United States would come from the area that he discovered, but Bll Clinton was born near Little Rock, the capital city of this state.
What is Arkansas?
The French explored and settled in this area, but when the British took over they choose this name for the capital city of Michigan.
What is Lansing?
I wonder if English explorers liked to eat grapes, because they named this city, the capital city of New Hampshire, after a certain type of grape.
What is Concord?
Shaun Phillips received a new jersey when he left Trenton, the capital city of this state, to play for the San Diego Chargers.
What is New Jersey?
Alabama’s capital city was named after Major Lemuel P. Montgomery, after he died in the battle at Horseshoe bend. Who knew being the first to die in battle would give someone such honors.
What is Montgomery?
If you want the freshest coffee in the world, you will have to travel far to reach the country that South Carolina’s capital city is named after.
What is Columbia?
Happy cows come from California, not St. Paul, the capital city of this state.
What is Michigan?
Mass amounts of pilgrims landed at Plymouth, which is near Boston, the capital city of this state.
What is Massachusetts?
William Penn was given this colony, and then named that capital city Harrisburg after John Harris Sr. when is became this state.
What is Pennsylvania?
Ole crooked, humbacked, Miss Janet Jackson, was not responsible for the naming of the capital city of this state Jackson.
What is Mississippi?
Although the state is named after Queen Elizabeth, the capital city of Virginia is named after this city in England, which is now a part of London.
What is Richmond?
Oh the French explored high and low to find Columbus, the capital city of this state.
What is Ohio?