It Really Matters!
What's the Matter?
As a Matter of Fact...
Does it Matter?
Gases Truly Matter

What are the four states of matter?

Solids, Liquids, Gases, Plasma


Describe the movement of gas molecules.

They move freely (exhibit fluidity)


What is Charles' law?

The volume and temperature of a gas are positively correlated.


If a 5L balloon at a temperature of 25 C changes to a temperature of 20 C, what is the new volume?


A volume of gas at 1.1 atm was measured at 326 cm3. What will be the volume if the pressure is adjusted to 1.9 atm?

188.7 cm3


What is plasma?

A gas with an electrical charge


Describe what the "paper in beaker" demo taught us.

Gases have volume (take up space)


What is Boyle's law?

The pressure and volume of a gas are negatively correlated.


If a container of helium (15L) is at a pressure of 2 atm and is moved to a 10L container, what is the new pressure?


If 36.5 m3 of a gas are collected at a pressure of 755 mmHg, what volume will the gas occupy if the pressure is changed to 632 mmHg?

43.6 m3


Which phase of matter has both definite shape and volume?



Describe what the "inflated balloon" demo taught us.

Gases have mass.


What is Gay-Lussac's law?

The pressure and temperature of a gas are positively correlated when the volume is held constant.


A commercial airliner has an internal pressure of 1 atm and a temperature of 25 C at takeoff. If the temperature of the airliner drops to 17 C during the flight, what is the new cabin pressure?

0.97 atm


The gas in a balloon occupies 2.25 L at 298 K. At what temperature will the balloon expand to 3.5 L? Please give your answer in Celsius.

190.5 C


Which phase(s) of matter exhibits fluidity?

Gases AND Liquids


Describe what properties are being exhibited by this gas.

Gases exhibit high fluidity and have no definite shape.


Define pressure.

The amount of force applied on a given area.


If divers rise too quickly from a deep dive, they get a condition called "the bends" which is caused by the expansion of very small nitrogen bubbles in the blood due to decreased pressure. If the initial volume of the bubbles in a diver's blood is 15mL and the initial pressure is 12.75 atm, what is the volume of the bubbles when the diver has surfaced to 1 atm pressure?

190 mL


A sample of gas has a volume of 852 mL at 25 C. What temperature (in Celsius) is necessary for the gas to have a volume of 945 mL?

57.5 C


Define fluidity.

The ability of a substance's molecules to move around one another.


Describe what we learned in the popcorn lab.

Unconfined gases expand indefinitely.

Gases have low density.


Explain how molecular movement is related the pressure and volume of a gas.

The greater molecular movement, the more a gas spreads (greater volume).

The greater molecular movement, the more pressure a gas puts on its container.


A Los Angeles class nuclear submarine has an internal volume of eleven million liters at a pressure of 1.25 atm. If a crewman were to open one of the hatches to the outside ocean while it was underwater (15.75 atm), what would be the new volume of the air inside the submarine?

873,000 L


A bag of potato chips is packaged at sea level (1 atm) and has a volume of 315 mL. If this bag of chips is transported to Denver (0.775 atm), what will the new volume of the bag be?

406 mL
