Define It
Name that Stat
It's Lit (Review)
Doing the Study
The Results
The definition of a hypothesis
What is an educated guess
Is often used when working with large numbers of observations, allowing researchers to analyze data in a systematic and convenient way
What is statistical anaylsis
The processes of gathering, reading and summarizing research on a topic you are investigating is know as what?
What is the literature review
The process of converting answers into numbers so that researchers can measure the association between responses given to one question (usually the dependent variable)and responses given to a different question (usually the independent variable).
What is operationalization
This is commonly used in large N analyses when the dependent variable is ordinal. This estimates the impact the independent variables have on the likelihood of observations being in the next highest category of the dependent variable.
What is ordered logistic regression
This allows researchers to identify various characteristics of large groups
What is descriptive statistics
What types of articles do you use for your literature review?
What are articles published in peer-reviewed or refereed journals and academic books
Nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio are all what?
What is levels of measurement
This is the accuracy of estimates, given that they are coming from a sample of the population that is being generalized to.
What are standard errors
A research question must be both _____ and _____ important
What is theoretically and politically
This allows researchers to make inferences about a number of things based on our results, including the relationships between different variables, and the generalizability of sample results to a population
What is inferential statistics
Socio-demographic, cultural, contextual, and transnational variables are all what?
What is variables that cause the independent variable, naturalization
To examine the distribution of the dependent variable, we generate some _____ ______, which tell us something about the distribution or central tendency of a single variable
What is descriptive statistics
This refers to the statistical significance of the relationship in the multivariate model
What is the "p" value
___-_______ is a significant factor impeding Latino political empowerment
What is non-citizenship
This is a problem of relying on non-experimental data
What is the difficulty to isolate casual relationships (researchers ability to account for multiple causes for the dependent variable)
The literature review identified a number of _______ about why immigrants pursue or do not pursue naturalization
What are hypotheses
What does it mean when the difference in means among groups in a sample are statistically significant?
What is the probability of the null hypothesis being correct is very low
Attitudes about voting significantly impact the choice to become citizens among _________ only
What are women
Out of 23 million adult Latinos, only _____ are US citizens
What is 13.2 million or 57%
The ability to generalize findings to larger populations
What is external validity
What are the 2 key hypotheses that had never been examined before in the literature?
What is (1) Immigrants with positive political orientations are more likely to naturalize (2) The factors structuring the naturalization decision are going to vary by gender.
The observation and analysis of more than one statistical outcome variable at a time is called what?
What is multivariate analysis
Interest in politics exerts a significant impact on pursing citizenship for ____ but not ______
What is men/women