The "average" obtained by adding together all data values and dividing by the number of data values is called this. It's actually quite nice.
What is the mean?
Type your data values into this list, the easiest ONE to access.
What is L1?
Sorta like a bar chart, but each bar represents an interval of values. No, this is not social studies class.
What is a histogram?
Correlation does not prove this.
What is causation?
It sounds like a pokemon, but μ actually represents this in statistics.
What is the mean?
Right smack in the middle of a data set, assuming you've ordered your data from least to greatest.
What is the median?
When my calc says 5E-2, I know it's really saying this number.
What is 0.05?
Add some cute little dots to create this sort of graph.
What is a dot plot?
Probability must never exceed this number.
What is 1?
Don't confuse big sigma for little siggy, σ, which represents this statistic.
What is the standard deviation?
It describes the spread of the data, and is often paired with the standard deviation...variety is the spice of stats.
What is the variance?
If I need to find a cumulative normal distribution, I'll use this command in the calculator.
What is normalcdf?
No, this graph isn't a plant, but its natural division into two main components does sound botanical.
What is a stem-and-leaf plot?
P(B|A) is this kind of probability--it's calculated on the basis of additional information.
What is conditional?
E(X) stands for the __________ of an random variable.
What is expected value?
The difference between the highest data value and the lowest data value.
What is the range?
2nd division key summons this wonderful letter...sorry, number!
What is e?
The Liberty Bell's got nothin' on this classical probability distribution that is, admittedly, so common it's nothing special (but e and pi still love it).
What is the normal distribution?
The Central Limit Theorem says that the distribution of the sample _________ approaches a normal distribution.
What are means?
p stands for the population proportion, but p-hat stands for the ________ proportion.
What is sample?
It's a statistic that describes how many standard deviations a particular data value is from the mean--saving the best score for last.
What is a z-score?
stdDev(L1) will print out this for the data entered in L1.
What is the standard deviation?
A probability distribution with two clear peaks is often described as being this--hey, don't whine, you're playing on hard MODE.
What is bimodal?
A lower bound, mean, and these two other things are necessary inputs for the normalcdf command in your calculator.
What are standard deviation and upper bound?
npq is used to find the ________ of a binomial distribution.
What is variance?