Statistical Questions
Visual Representations
Median, Mode, Range

Identify the difference between a statistical question and a question that is not considered to be statistical.

What is a statistical question asks more than one person therefore leading to the data varying and a non statistical question asks only one person so the data does not vary.

Determine whether or not the question is statistical or not and give a reason for you answer. What is my favorite movie star?
What is not a statistical question because it is not answered by collecting data that vary.
Without doing any calculations, identify the mean of the data set below and explain why you know what it is. 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14
What is 14. The mean is 14 because all of the data points are 14 leaving zero variability.

Below are the number of pets different 6th grade students have. Create a dot plot from the given data. 

1, 5, 6, 6, 7, 3, 9, 9, 2, 3, 1

What is appropriate dot plot. 


Find the range from the given data set. 

4, 2, 8, 14, 21, 13, 11, 10, 29

What is 27.


Create an example of a statistical question that is numerical.

Questions will vary.

Determine whether or not the question is statistical or not and give a reason for you answer. How many years have students in my school's band or orchestra played an instrument?
What is a statistical question because the number of years will vary.
Calculate the mean of the data set below: 0, 0, 3, 3, 5, 7
What is 3

Determine the mode. 

What is 6.


Determine the range of the given data set:

0, 4, 6, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 9, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5

What is 9.


Identify how you would find the median.

What is put the numbers in order from least to greatest and keeping crossing off one number from each side until one number is left or until there are two numbers left in the middle and they are averaged together.

Write a statistical question that would be answered by collecting data from the 6th graders in your classroom. Then identify if the data collected would be numerical or categorical and explain why.
Answers will vary.
Calculate the mean of the data set below: 17, 14, 16, 14, 11, 12
What is 14.

Below is a list of data representing the number of pairs of sneakers students in 6th grade own. Create a dot plot from the given data. 

3, 6, 7, 5, 6, 6, 5, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 5, 6

What is an appropriate dot plot. 


Determine the median from the given data set. 

45, 12, 21, 33, 9, 21, 25, 31

What is 23.


Collin was explaining to Avery that in order to find the mean, she had to put the numbers in order from least to greatest and find the middle number. Explain if Collin is correct or not and explain why.

What is Collin is not correct. He is explaining how to find the median instead of the mean. To find the mean, Avery has to add all of the numbers together and divide by the total number of data points.

Rewrite the following question as a statistical question. How many pets does your teacher have?
What is how many pets do all teachers in the school have?
Calculate the mean of the data below: 33, 48, 36, 45, 42, 42, 48
What is 42.

Determine the median, mode, and range from the following dot plot. 

What is:

median: 2

mode: 2

range: 4


Determine the mode from the given data set.

105, 116, 101, 115, 113, 105, 101

What is 105 and 101.


What is the difference between skewed left, skewed right, and approximately symmetrical? 

What is the way the data is displayed in a histogram. Skewed left means that there is "unusual" data that is less than the majority of the data. Skewed right means that there is "unusual" data greater than the majority of the data. Approximately symmetrical means that one side of the histogram is almost a mirror image of the right side of the histogram. 

Write a statistical question that goes along with the information provided below: Ronnie, a sixth grader, wanted to find out if he lived the farthest from school.
What is what is the typical distance from home to school (in miles) for students at my school?

Determine the mean: 370, 360, 350, 370, 350

What is 360.


Create a histogram from the table below.


What is an appropriate histogram. 


Determine the median, mode, and range of the given numbers. 

3, 4, 9, 7, 7

What is:

median: 7

mode: 7

range: 4
