Post Acute Withdraw
8 Dimensions of Wellness
Steps of Relapse/5 Rules
Addictive Disease

PAWS are a ___________ based symptom.

 What is Sobriety Based


 A person decides to return to school, begins watching the news more and reading every evening,  this would improve this category of wellness.

What is intellectual wellness?


11 steps of relapse

What is Denial, Unhealthy Emotions, Compulsive Behaviors, Triggers, Interior Chaos, External Turmoil, Loss of control, Addictive Thinking?


This is a chronic, progressive and potentially fatal brain disease that is characterized by loss of control, denial and relapse. It is also marked by compulsive and continued use of substances despite harmful or negative consequences.

What is the disease of addiction?

Consequences of addiction

What is legal issues, relationship issues, health problems and issues with employment?


Three symptoms of PAWS

What is Memory Loss, Sleep Issues, Stress Sensitive, Irritable, Confusion, Unable to think clearly, movement or balance issues, issues with appetite


A person addresses this relapse symptom and also improves this category of wellness by doing things such as attending counseling, support groups, mental health medication and/or exercise. 

What is emotional wellness?

Internal and External Stimuli, Emotional Activation, or Drug Cue which can lead to craving

What is Trigger?


Addiction is a _______, psychological, __________ disease. 

What is Biological, Social?


__________ is released and levels are higher when the substance is used, reinforcing substance use.

What is Dopamine?


The length (typically the longest) PAWS can last

What is 2 years


This person has obtained a job, learned to budget and is living with-in his or her means. 

What is financial wellness?


5 Rules of Recovery

What is Don't bend the rules, Be Completely Honest, Self-Care, Ask for Help, Change your Life?


The role of abstinence and why is it important

What is not having recovery without recognizing the need for abstinence. Abstinence is the beginning of recovery?


Definition of successful recovery

What is a change in lifestyle, improved wellness, change in thinking and coping effectively on life's terms with out the use of substances or negative behaviors?


Three effective ways to manage PAWS

What is sleep, exercise, nutrition, reaching out for help and support. 


This category of wellness is one of the primary factors that can contribute to long term recovery. 

What is spiritual wellness?


Practice _________ because it can help me reduce stress, cope with unhealthy emotions, reduce PAWS symptoms.

What is Self-Care?


_________ is having to use more and more of the same drug to get the same effect

What is tolerance?

Other non-disease models of addiction

What is Moral Model, Spiritual Model, Medical Model


The four ways one might experience PAWS

What is regenerative, degenerative, static, intermittent


The 8 dimensions of wellness

What is emotional, social, occupational, intellectual, financial, spiritual, environmental, physical


Sometimes _________, such as watching too much T.V or overspending  are a result of my unhealthy ways of dealing with stress or not addressing my problems. 

What is compulsive behaviors?


Relapse is part of recovery because __________. 

What is having the opportunity to learn from your mistakes, fosters growth, and is on a cycle. You can be in the relapse cycle with out using substances?

A change target for each stage of recovery, pre-covery, stabilization, early recovery, middle recovery, late recovery, maintenance.

What is recognizing the need for abstinence, recognizing the need for help, full acceptance of the addiction as part of your life and learning coping skills, establishing balance and repairing social damage, recognizing the effects of childhood on adult living and making lifestyle changes, continued growth and development and day to day coping?