Core Competency
Limits of Practice
Professional Standards of Practice
Reporting Ethical Violations
Interacting with the Public/Social Media

As per the College of Alberta Psychologists, Psychologists must maintain and develop knowledge, skill, judgement, and diligence to be considered this?

What is competent?


As per the CPA, Counsellors must take immediate steps to obtain this in order to provide their primary client with competent service, if it becomes apparent that the client’s issues or problems are beyond their competence.

What is supervision, consultation or referral?


As per CPA, this is a process that involves taking time to establish an appropriate trusting relationship and to reach an agreement to work collaboratively.

What is informed consent?


This document is an umbrella document for the development of codes of conduct or other more specific codes?

What is the Canadian Code of Ethics for Psychologists?


As per CCPA, in their personal lives, counsellors must monitor their activity on this online communication tool to ensure the style and content is ethically congruent and professional.

What is social media?


This CPA principle highlights a psychologist's responsibility to provide competent and ethical services, prioritizing client well-being and avoiding harm.

What is Responsible Caring?


As per the CCPA, Counsellors must ensure they accurately represent professional qualifications mandated by regulatory colleges and statute in order to adhere to this code of conduct.

What is Representation of Professional Qualifications?


As per CCPA, Counsellors maintain these with sufficient detail and clarity to track the nature and sequence of professional services rendered.

What are records?


This CPA principle considers society in every ethical decision. However, adherence to this principle needs to be subject to and guided by Respect for the Dignity of Persons and Peoples, Responsible Caring, and Integrity in Relationships.

What is Responsibility to Society?


As per CCPA standards, Counsellors must ensure that personal profiles on social media are kept separate from these.

What are counsellors’ professional profiles?


This CCPA general responsibility maintains high standards of professional competence and ethical behaviour for counsellors by recognizing the need for this.

What is continuing education and personal care?


Counsellors should take steps to appropriately limit their professional responsibilities when their physical, mental, spiritual, or personal circumstances are such that they have diminished capacity to provide competent services to all or to particular clients is a CCPA standard that protects against this.

What is Professional Impairment?


This CPA principle, with its emphasis on inherent worth, non-discrimination, moral rights, distributive, social and natural justice, generally should be given the highest weight, except in circumstances in which there is a clear and imminent danger of bodily harm to someone.

What is Respect for the Dignity of Persons and Peoples?


As per the CCPA, This position must fulfil a crucial gatekeeping role and has a professional mandate to accord primacy to the well-being of clients and the protection of the public.

What is a Supervisor?


This is where the CCPA Code of Ethics should be placed in this location so that it can be readily accessed by clients/consumers.  

What is a prominent location?


According to the CCPA, these are the limits within which a counsellor is able to practice based on their education and professional experience and are consistent with any provincial/territorial and national credentials.

What are Boundaries of Competence?


As per the CPA, Counsellors must make themselves aware of the knowledge and skills of other disciplines so they can do this.

What is make referrals or advise?


As per CCPA, Counsellors practice within the boundaries of their competence and employ only those assessment and evaluation approaches and measures for which they have this.

What is verifiable competence, professional prerequisites or standards?


As per the CPA, it is a beneficial activity for counsellors to contribute to a team environment that supports respectful expression of this.

What is ethical concerns or dissent?


As per the CPA, Counsellors must accurately represent this in all spoken, written, or printed communications, being careful not to use descriptions or information that could be misinterpreted.

What are qualifications?


These two exams are required for a professional to be considered a registered psychologist in Alberta.

What is the Examination for professional practice in psychology (EPPP) and Law and Ethics for Alberta Psychologists (LEAP)?


As per the CCPA, To have appropriate participation in traditional practices, counsellors seek clarity and confirmation (before engaging traditional leaders) by consulting with these individuals.

What are cultural guides?


The expectations for ethical conduct, as expressed in the CCPA Code, are based on these six fundamental principles.

What is Beneficence, Fidelity, Nonmaleficence, Autonomy, Justice, and Societal Interests?


As per CCPA, Counsellors have an obligation to do this when they have serious doubts as to the ethical behaviour of another helping professional.

What is address the concern and seek informal resolution when feasible and appropriate?


As per CCPA, Counsellors who practice online or through social media are subject to these laws.

What are the laws and regulations of all jurisdictional locations where they practice and where their client reside.
